David Blatt:教練也有做錯決定的時候

天又籃 於 12/05/2015 發表 收藏文章

在日前騎士驚險勝出的比賽中,教練David Blatt在沒有暫停可用下,舉起了暫停的手勢,差點搞砸了整場比賽。幸好當時沒有球證見到,所以騎士能逃過一劫,倘若當時騎士因此被罰技犯,被罰一次罰球加上失掉球權的話,很可能將會是公牛的勝利。


引用A near-mistake was made and I owned up to it and I own it. A basketball coach makes 150 to 200 critical decisions during the course of a game, something that I think is paralleled only by a fighter pilot. If you do it for 27 years, you're going to blow one or two. And I blew one. Fortunately it didn't cost us.
- Blatt

對於LeBron James拒絕了Blatt由他開界外球的指令,而是自己拿球就投。Blatt對此也說了些緩和的話:「我們有想過不同的方法,老實說,這取決於LeBron的決定。視乎他面對的防守、籃球和球員在場上的位置來決定甚麼是他認為最好的選擇。…LeBron覺得在那個位置他很有信心完成 catch-and-shoot。雖然這並不代表真理,但肯定是一個重要因素。終究這是一個對的球員所作的正確行動。」

引用We thought about a couple different things and then, honestly, it just came down to what LeBron felt was the best option based on his feeling of how he was being guarded and the position on the court where the ball was, ....He had a real strong feeling about being able to catch the ball in a good position, in a catch-and-shoot situation. That's not everything, but that was definitely factored in. It was the right play to make and the right guy to make it.
- Blatt


引用The relationship [with Blatt] grows every day. I've been with my wife since I was in 11th grade, and I think our relationship continues to grow every day. It never stops when you are around someone every day, and I think that's what it is with me and coach
- James


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