Stephen Curry大談自己日前「出手後提前慶祝」的三分球!

NBA JUMP SHOT 於 08/10/2015 發表 收藏文章
擅長三分外投的勇士隊控球後衛Stephen Curry日前接受訪問,除回應James Harden的MVP言論 (詳情:Harden不忿去季失落MVP,Curry:上季發生的事情無法改變!),亦談到自己在當地時間星期一晚上與暴龍進行的季前熱身賽的一記「提前慶祝」三分球。

在勇士隊以比分95-87擊敗暴龍的賽事中,Curry在一次快攻中先以後手傳球予隊友Klay Thompson,隨後無球跑動至外圍位置,Klay Thompson再傳給內線的Draymond Green,Curry最後接應他的分球,在右側底角空檔輕鬆直接出手。當籃球還在半空時,Curry就已經信心十足地和替補席上的Andre Iguodala擊掌慶祝,籃球應隨即應聲入框。

引用“It looks funny,” Curry said. “I did it because everybody on the bench was basically breathing down my neck and already standing up. I saw Andre in my peripheral as I was shooting. I was thinking, ‘I know he’s not in the game, but he’s right there.’

引用“The funny thing is: I shot it and reached out to give him a high-five, but nobody else was looking at me. They were looking at the ball, so he kind of left me hanging for a while. But it was kind of a fun moment with everybody on the sideline just going crazy. Obviously, if it doesn’t go in, I look like an idiot. But it did.”

三分球出手後提前慶祝的例子以往亦曾出現,前巫師隊的球星Gilbert Arena就是一個好例子。至於反面教材,當然不得不提湖人的Nick Young搞笑場面。

資料來源:SF Gate Youtube Channel Yusuf Bahar Youtube Channel mike sham
標籤: Stephen Curry  Andre Iguodala  


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