Robert Horry大讚Yao Ming:如果不是傷病,他本可以成為NBA史上最偉大的球員!

自從退役之後,Yao Ming成為了名人堂的成員之一,然後又成為了中國籃球協會的主席,還有開立了自己的酒莊。但是之間我們再沒有聽到更多有關他的消息了。

Robert Horry曾經跟不少傳奇球員合作,比如說火箭隊的Hakeem Olajuwon,還有馬刺隊的Tim Duncan和湖人隊的Shaquille O’Neal。但是他從來沒有跟Yao Ming合作過。最近在前 NBA 球員 Channing Frye 和 Richard Jefferson 主持的Road Trippin' 直播節目中,Robert Horry談及Yao Ming籃球智商。他認為如果Yao Ming不是因為傷病,他本可以成為NBA史上最偉大的球員。

“He was so knowledgeable of the history of basketball, and I think that’s one of the things that never gets talked about, his IQ, because of his lower body wouldn’t have went out, he’d probably be considered one of the greatest because he could play. He was very skilled, very smart.”

Robert Horry講述了自己對Yao Ming的印象,完全是意想不到。

“He was so big and he was such a nice guy. I got to know him well, because you know the Rockets organization, and we’d have a conversation, and he’s talking about basketball, and he’s bringing up all these old players, and I’m looking at him like, ‘Yo dude, I thought you didn’t speak English?’

“Like what the hell, how you know all these old players? He’s just going down the list and he come across a couple of players and I was like ‘who the @$& is that?’ I don’t even know who they are.”


“People don’t understand how big he was and how strong and the fact that he wasn’t just gonna bully you. He was just like ‘I’m gonna shoot this turn around jumper.’ He was so skilled.

“He shot the technical fouls for that team, no matter who was on the court. That’s how good he was.”


Yao Ming在2002年以第一順位的狀元身份加入NBA,第一年已經表現出色,在年度最佳新秀投票中名列第二, 8 年的 NBA 職業生涯中每個賽季他都入選了全明星賽。除此之外,他還2次入選NBA最佳陣容二陣,3次入選NBA最佳陣容三陣。他還帶領火箭隊在 2009 年季後賽中以 4-2 擊敗波特蘭拓荒者,贏得了他們十多年來的首場季後賽系列賽勝利。

然而,他的職業生涯受到了各種下肢傷病的困擾,相信是因為他的下半身難以支撐巨型的身軀。2009 年季後賽第二輪對陣洛杉磯湖人隊的比賽中,他受傷了,自己一瘸一拐地回到球場。醫生期後發現他的腳有髮際應力性骨折,他的職業生涯就此結束了。他以場均19分9.2籃板1.9次封阻結束職業生涯。他於 2016 年入選籃球名人堂,火箭於 2017 年退役了他的 11 號球員。



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