Draymond Green在Carmelo Anthony的直播節目談及Kevin Durant:他封鎖了我的手機號碼!

最近Draymond Green再次在Carmelo Anthony的直播節目中談到自己跟Kevin Durant的關係。他表示Kevin Durant在離開勇士之後把他的手機號碼封鎖了,他只能夠以Instagram的訊息方法聯絡Kevin Durant。

引用「我認為是有一段時間他不想跟我交談。我認為我的號碼是有一段時間被他封鎖了。我認為有一段時間我只能透過 Instagram 發訊息與他交談。但我從來沒有打過他,『你有一個新號碼?』或者『喲,你封鎖我了嗎?』如果我只能在 Instagram 發訊息與你交談,那麼這就是我要與你交談的地方。因為歸根結底,這取決於我們將要採用什麼形式去交流。我想要的是我的兄弟,我愛你,我對你只有愛,我們可以繼續建立我們的關係。但如果那不是你所想的那樣,我必須尊重這一點。

一旦那一刻結束,我就變成過去了。 現在,在那種情況下,過去那些時刻並不取決於我,這就是為什麼歸根究底在那種情況下發生的一切都取決於他。 我認為我們能夠調和我們的關係並重新變得親密,再次建立關係的原因之一是因為我確實是這樣處理的。」

I think there was a time period of where he wasn’t trying to say nothin’ to me. I think there was a time period where my number might have been blocked from his phone. I think there was a time period where I could only talk to him through Instagram DM. But I ain’t never hit him on no like, “D***, you got a new number?” or “Yo, did you block me?” If I can only talk to you on Instagram DM, then that’s where I’m going to talk to you at. Because ultimately, it’s your decision on whatever terms we’re going to be on. The terms I wanna be on is that you my brother, I love you, I got nothin’ but love for you, and we can continue to build our relationship. But if that’s not where you’re at, I had to respect that.

Once that moment was over, I’m past the moment. Now, but in that situation, it’s not up to me to be past the moment, which is why ultimately, everything that happens from that situation is ultimately up to him. And I think one of the reasons we could reconcile our relationship and get back close and have a relationship again, is because I did approach it that way.
Kevin Durant也說過是有其他原因促使他離開勇士而非Draymond Green一手造成的,不過Green也為此承認了自己的錯。 儘管他們不再是隊友,但很高興Draymond Green和Kevin Durant再次變得關係良好。時間治愈了所有傷口。



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