
儘管整天不斷被對手包夾騷擾,加上犯規纏身的問題,Luka Doncic依然設法改變形勢,並在今天的東京奧運會中帶領斯洛文尼亞以 95-87 擊敗西班牙。
斯洛文尼亞今年首次成功獲得奧運參賽資格,現時戰績為3勝0負。至於Luka Doncic代表斯洛文尼亞效力的個人戰績為16勝0負。

在分組賽三戰全勝之後,Luka Doncic帶領斯洛文尼亞將在明天迎戰德國。

Luka Doncic全場砍下12分14籃板,但有9失誤。他在第一節已經面對犯規纏身,這讓他好不容易才能嬴得造場比賽的最終勝利。最後關頭,Luka Doncic的隊友及時挺身而出,在比賽還剩6分22秒落後82-76的情況下打出19-5 的攻勢結束了比賽,擊敗上屆世界盃冠軍。

斯洛文尼亞球員Vlatko Cancar得到22分,Mike Tobey得到16分14籃板,Klemen Prepelic得到15分,Jaka Blazic得到10分。西班牙方面,Ricky Rubio得到18分9助攻,Alberto Abalde得到14分,Rudy Fernandez和Sergio Llull均得到12分。
西班牙今仗採取了壓迫防守,這對Luka Doncic的壓制其實尚算成功。全靠斯洛文尼亞的隊員整體發揮不錯,才可以在最後關頭扭轉局勢拿下比賽的最終勝利。

Luka Doncic賽後也表示自己沒有預料到對方會採用Box-1包夾,基本上有兩三個人防守Luka Doncic。但這也造就了隊友更多的投籃機會。這場比賽雖然贏了,但他覺得發揮得並不好。其中投失了錯過了空檔的機會。

斯洛文尼亞主教練Aleksander Sekulic表示Luka Doncic經常在三人包夾的情況下總能找到最好的解決方法,讓隊友輕鬆的投籃。斯洛文尼亞在這場比賽中的傳導十分流暢。要破解區域聯防絕不容易。 幸運的是,他們在最重要的時候成功了。

引用For a long time, the strategy of taking the ball out of Doncic’s hands and forcing his teammates to beat them had judiciously worked for Spain.

“I don’t think we expected that, but they had basically two or three guys on me and ,(for my teammates) I just had to find open shots,” Doncic said. ” I think we didn’t play great today.

“We missed a lot of shots, but I’m really happy for the win.”

That box-n0one defense Spain employed against Doncic also was a surprise to Slovenia coach Aleksander Sekulic.

“There were three players at some point on him,” he said. “They were pressing him. Luka always found the good solution, so he made open shots for (his teammates).

“We had great ball movement. It’s not easy to play against zones. We had a lot of open shots. Fortunately, we made them at the end when it was the most important (time of the game).”



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