美國隊熱身賽慘吞兩連敗,Damian Lillard對此作出回應!


引用美國隊其中一位主力球員Damian Lillard在賽後點評了己方在比賽中的表現:「我認為我們在場上打球的時間越多,我們就越能互相理解,並找出更好的運轉方式。我想我們有點想多了,過於嘗試跑動,試圖拉開距離,而且太想做出正確的事情了。但我認自今天晚上之後,我們的節奏更好,我們就抽起投籃,盡量簡化,進攻方面,有時我們太多額外的傳球了。我認為這剛好表現出我們正朝著正確的方向前進,正試圖找到彼此的應對方法。」

“I think the more time we spend on the floor together, the more we’ll figure each other out and figure out ways to get the ball moving,” said Lillard post-game. “We’re kind of overthinking, trying to run plays, trying to stay out of each other’s way and overly trying to do the right thing. But I think to start tonight, our pace was better, we pushed the ball up, we kept it simple, we attacked, we was pitching it and making the extra play or the extra pass, sometimes too much. I think that just showed that we’re moving in the right direction, figuring each other out.”

在輸給尼日利亞的比賽中,Damian Lillard全場10投4中得到14分5籃板4助攻1次封阻1抄截。今天在輸給澳洲隊的比賽中,Damian Lillard表現比之前更好,半場獨得14分,全場15投8中其得22分4籃板1助攻1封阻1抄截。



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