本賽季Jordan Clarkson跟Joe Ingles一同競逐最佳第六人獎,同時間紐約人的Derrick Rose也是大熱人選。今早NBA官方宣佈Jordan Clarkson獲得了本賽季的最佳第六人獎。
引用Jordan Clarkson接受TNT節目"Inside The NBA"時表示:「對我來說,這是得來不易。因為開始那幾年的職業生涯都在湖人度過,當時的我只是試著尋找如何在比賽中發揮影響力,還有能夠為球隊帶來甚麼。但自從由騎士交易到爵士之後,我得到這個角色,我接受了,並從中努力發掘。各方面都確實提升了,因為每個人都知道他們的角色,並且知道他們在做什麼。」Jordan Clarkson成為了爵士隊史上首位榮獲最佳第六人獎的球員,聯盟也特別邀請同為最佳第六人競爭者的Joe Ingles親自將獎項頒發給Clarkson。
"For me, it was tough," Clarkson said in an interview with TNT's "Inside The NBA." "My first couple years because I started in L.A. during that time, but just coming to myself and trying to find the impact I can have in this game, and what I can bring to it. When I got that role, I just kind of took it, worked at it, and this situation -- being traded here to Utah from Cleveland -- it really enhanced everything, just because everybody knows their role and knows what they are doing.
引用風趣幽默的Ingles當然沒有錯過「借題發揮」的機會,當Jordan Clarkson懷著感恩的心笑著說:「兄弟,感謝你傳球給我。」,Joe Ingles竟回應:「他是從我手上偷走這個獎項的!我早就應該不傳球給他!」
"Thanks for passing me this ball, man," Clarkson said with a smile.
"He stole it from me," Ingles joked. "I should've stopped passing him the ball."
引用後來Joe Ingles當然有認真的回應主持提問,他表示:「我盡可能嘗試讓他接球,所以他可以成為本年度的最佳第六人。我認為他在替補席上的影響是他一直引以為傲的。」比個人榮譽更重要的任務就是今年的總冠軍!雖然常規賽第一位爵士隊暫時落後第八位的灰熊隊0-1,但相信下場Donovan Mitchell復出定必為球隊扳下一城!
"I tried to get him the ball as much as possible so he could win Sixth Man of the Year," Ingles said of his teammate with a smile. "I think his impact off the bench is something he's embraced and taken pride in.
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