逆齡生長?Patty Mills:「Rudy Gay在訓練中好幾次怪獸式強力灌籃!」

2016-17賽季,效力國王隊的Rudy Gay遭遇了阿基里斯腱撕裂,自從那次重傷後,Rudy Gay沒有再發揮出本來應有的實力。時至今天,已經34歲的Rudy Gay迎來了生涯黃昏時期。不過,正在準備開季訓練的他卻得到隊友Patty Mills的讚賞。
經過週三的訓練後,Rudy Gay和Patty Mills接受聖安東尼奧特快新聞社的Jeff McDonald訪問時討論了馬刺在營地中的爆炸性表現。Patty Mills表示Gay在訓練中好幾次怪獸式強力灌籃,Rudy Gay則回應當隨著年齡的增長,你盡可能會嘗試多動起來。他認為幾次怪獸式強力灌籃雖然能夠讓人大吃一驚,但只是比賽中微不足道的事,更多的是他減了磅,準備好在新賽季出發。
引用After practice on Wednesday, both Mills and Gay met with the Spurs media and talked about how the latter is looking very explosive in camp, via Jeff McDonald of San Antonio Express-News.

“He’s already thrown down a couple of monster dunks,” Spurs guard Patty Mills said about Rudy Gay. “Which is a small glimpse of what we’ll get this season.”

“As you get older and play longer, you try to become as mobile as possible,” Gay said. “Me bulking up would probably not be conducive to what this game is going to. I ended up losing weight and I feel good and ready to go.”
要讓馬刺隊在西岸中闖入季後賽,球隊需要Rudy Gay成為全明星球員DeMar DeRozan和 LaMarcus Aldridge.之後可靠的第三進攻選擇。Gay的職業生涯平均每場得分為17.1分,上賽季在67場比賽中場均貢獻10.8分,投籃命中率高達44.6%。




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