Anthony Davis在今天對陣金塊的比賽中以絕殺致勝,最終以105-103擊敗金塊。除了絕殺三分球之外,Anthony Davis更為湖人隊在拿下最後的10分。
重溫一下Anthony Davis在Nikola Jokic飛撲過來期間出手命中三分的絕殺球:
Anthony Davis在賽後接受Allie LaForce訪問時表現出信心。

Anthony Davis今天在第二場比賽中得到全場最高的31分,外加9籃板。 在第一場比賽中,他得到37分。到目前為止,他一直是湖人隊的不二之選!
重溫一下Anthony Davis在Nikola Jokic飛撲過來期間出手命中三分的絕殺球:
引用Allie LaForce問Anthony Davis:「當時有沒有其他人要處理最後一擊?」Anthony Davis回答:「沒有。我當時一直看著Rondo。人們談論我時從沒有這樣的時刻,是有壓力的,而我到底準備好沒有?我是希望接管那一球出手的,我想在關鍵時刻得分。而且我們永遠也不會想在穿上這件紀念Kobe的黑曼巴球衣時輸掉比賽!」
Anthony Davis還補充說:「這就是他們(湖人)帶我來這裡的目的!」
Davis continued to show his confidence during his postgame interview with Allie LaForce.
“No,” Davis replied quickly when asked if there was a doubt about who would take the shot. “I looked at (Rajon) Rondo the whole time. People talk about never being in this moment, pressure, am I ready for it? I want to take those shots, I want the big-time plays.”
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