KD談LeBron如何使他成長!「人們說LeBron James會是下一個Michael Jordan!」

Kevin Durant最近談到了洛杉磯湖人LeBron James如何影響在馬里蘭長大後的自己成為一名更好的球員。
LeBron James比Kevin Durant大四歲,KD最近在The Corp播客上對Barstool Big Cat和Alex Rodriguez表示,自從他九年級在ESPN上看到LeBron James以來,他一直成為了自己的目標。

Kevin Durant憶述當時在讀九年級的時候,有一天打開ESPN看到人們說LeBron James會是下一個Michael Jordan。當時只有身高6尺2寸的Kevin Durant本來只是一個校隊備用球員,直到9年級才成為真正的校隊。當他看來LeBron James就是最好的球員,因此必須要追上他或者在職業生涯中的某個時刻與LeBron對視。這些記憶總是在Kevin Durant的腦海中迴盪。當時意識到這位新人就是下一位Michael Jordan。

“Well since I was in ninth grade and I turned on ESPN one day, LeBron James was the guy that people said is the next [Michael] Jordan. So in my mind, I was a 6’2” like JV player, I didn’t play varsity until my 9th grade year,” Kevin Durant said.

“In my mind I was like this is the best player. So, I have to be as good as this or I have to look him in the eyes at some point in my career. So, that was always in the back of my mind as I worked, as I played games. Because that was what was told to me, because that was the new guy, that was the next Jordan.”
多年來,Kevin Durant和LeBron James在場外建立了深厚的友誼。他們二人曾經三度在總決賽中碰面,Durant則兩次獲勝。Kevin Durant和LeBron James都將會成為NBA歷史上最偉大的兩位球員。LeBron曾經與克利夫蘭騎士和邁阿密熱火一起獲得過三個總冠軍,還有三個總決賽MVP和四個常規賽MVP頭銜。而Durant則是兩次總冠軍外加兩次總決賽MVP,還有四次得分王和一次常規賽MVP。


來源:https://clutchpoints.com/nets-news-kevin-durant-reveals-how-lebron-james-made-him-a-better-player-growing-up/, https://www.essentiallysports.com/nba-news-the-next-michael-jordan-kevin-durant-remembers-the-first-time-when-he-heard-about-lebron-james-brooklyn-nets-chicago-bulls-los-angeles-lakers/


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