NBA全體球員在播放國歌其間單膝下跪 球評Barkley認為不下跪的也不代表是壞人

今天是NBA正式復賽之日,聯盟發誓要使種族不公現象成為NBA重新開始的關注點,在每場賽事中印上“Black Lives Matter”,並讓所有球員選擇在球衣上顯示反種族主義的字眼。今天一眾球員在播放國歌其間單膝下跪,有些球員還在期間舉起拳頭,有些球員則閉上眼睛低下頭。


引用“We will turn pain into progress,” one player vowed. Another added, “Things aren’t going back to normal until things change.”
Minutes before tipoff, the TNT broadcast team reacted to the anthem protest.

TNT球評Shaquille O’Neal見此現象後表示做得很好,很高興看到大家團結一致。他認為同樣地當大家擁有自己的平台時,說出自己的想法是非常重要要。他希望大家用自己的聲音來提高意識,現在大家必須投票選舉市長和市長任命警察局長。也應該投票選舉參議員和政客。不僅要在社交媒體上發貼或一直喊著,而是必須繼續鬥爭,繼續這場運動。他為所有人感到驕傲。

“That was beautifully done. Done in unity. Nice to see,” former Orlando Magic star Shaquille O’Neal said on TNT. “Again, when you have your platform, I think it’s very important that you speak up, very important that you speak your mind. But when you talk about changes, also you have to talk about protocol. So we use our voice to raise awareness, now we have to go vote. We have to vote our mayors in — our mayors appoint chiefs of police. We have vote senators and politicians. It doesn’t just stop with sending out a tweet or just yelling all the time. We have to continue to fight, continue the movement. ... I’m proud of everyone.”
另一位TNT球評Charles Barkley表示最重要的是他們在國歌期間自願地作出反應。國歌對不同人意味著不同的事情。他很高興大伙兒都很團結。不過如果有人不願意單膝下跪,可能是因為國歌對他來說有別的意義,我們也不應誣衊他。

引用Fellow former NBA star and TNT analyst Charles Barkley said it was important to give players freedom to react however they preferred to the anthem.
“The national anthem means different things to different people,” he said. “I’m glad these guys are unified. If people don’t kneel, they’re not a bad person. I want to make that perfectly clear. I’m glad they had unity, but if we have a guy who doesn’t want to kneel because the anthem means something to him, he should not be vilified.”


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