Reggie Miller認為Michael Jordan要為Isiah Thomas錯失夢之隊機會負責

Michael Jordan 和 Isiah Thomas 同樣是NBA歷史上名列前矛的球員,但要比的話明顯Michael Jordan更勝一籌。

他們二人在80年代末和90年代初多次在東岸決賽碰頭,還發生了好幾次衝突。那個時代的活塞以「壞男孩」其極具侵略性和高強度的對抗而備受批評。Michael Jordan就是對上「壞男孩」的常客,但他無懼他們,看起來更是恨之入骨,有次他甚至稱他們不配總冠軍。
他們的競爭一直持續到1992年的奧運會。隨著美國代表隊招募世界頂尖的籃球運動員,Michael Jordan和Isiah Thomas都應該被名列其中。可是最終Michael Jordan入選,Isiah Thomas卻錯過了美國夢之隊的機會。
錯過夢之隊對Isiah Thomas來說無疑是造成了個人的傷害。縱使他符合所有當選夢之隊成員的標準,但最終並沒有被邀請參與其中。此事存在著很大的爭議,但他仍然不知道是誰做的。

Isiah Thomas認為這是籃球生涯的美中不足。他認為自己已經贏得了很多成就,並試圖做正確的事情,他認為自己應該成為夢之隊成員之一。回想一下,如果當年真的因爲沒有跟「某人」握手而錯失機會,現在的他會比當時錯過夢之隊更失望。把Michael Jordan當成「沒收」Isiah Thomas的奧運金牌這個說法的確有點瘋狂,但Reggie Miller相信這個說法。

引用“Being left off the Dream Team, that personally hurt me,” Thomas said. “When the Dream Team was selected and I wasn’t a part of it, there was a lot of controversy around it, and I still don’t know who did it or why they say I didn’t make it. I know the criteria for making the team, I fit all the criteria.

That’s a big hole on my [basketball] resume,” Thomas continued. “That is the biggest hole in my resume. … In the sports arena, I’ve won at every level. I tried to do everything correctly, and I thought I should’ve made that Dream Team. And looking back, if I’m not a part of the Dream Team because a lapse in emotion in terms of not shaking someone’s hand, then I am more disappointed today than I was back then.”
It may seem crazy to think that Jordan is what kept I.T. from a gold medal, but it’s not very far-fetched at all. In fact, former NBA star Reggie Miller believes it.

在Dan Patrick Show中,Reggie Miller談到此事:
Patrick問Miller到底Michael Jordan有沒有單方面不想Isiah Thomas加入夢之隊。Miller回答有。他認為Isiah Thomas應該在92年夢之隊的名單,並取代John Stockton, Clyde Drexler或Christian Laettner任何一人。Miller又補充他不會說這是一個事實,但那是人們所謂的不成文的規定,他也不會說那是Jordan一個人造成的結果。

引用Patrick: Do you think Michael single-handedly said ‘I don’t want Isiah on The Dream Team’?

Miller: Yes. Isiah Thomas should have been on that ’92 Dream Team. And people ask ‘who would you have taken off?’ — John Stockton, Clyde Drexler — one of those two guys. Christian Laettner. One of those three guys. Isiah Thomas should have been on that team.

“I wouldn’t say for a fact, but those are the unwritten rules that people talk about,” said Miller. “I wouldn’t say it’s MJ alone.”

在1992年奧運會結束後到退休了,直到今天,Isiah Thomas仍然認為錯過夢之隊是他傳奇生涯中最大的遺憾之一。


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