Ja Morant談到了孟菲斯本賽季應對Andre Iguodala的態度

最新一集All The Smoke中,孟菲斯灰熊隊的後衛Ja Morant談到了孟菲斯本賽季應對Andre Iguodala的態度。

金州勇士隊被迫將Andre Iguodala交易到灰熊隊,以便為Kevin Durant簽署交易協議的一部分留出空間來收購D'Angelo Russell。Morant期待與前總決賽MVP的比賽。但是,Andre Iguodala從未出席過灰熊的比賽。經驗豐富的Andre Iguodala和灰熊隊最終同意當球隊尋求交易時,便可以離開球隊訓練。

年度最佳新秀的大熱Morant告訴All The Smoke的Barnes和Jackson,他聽說Iguodala認為灰熊不夠出色。當球隊說他要加入灰熊的名單時,Morant很高興更衣室裡有一個像他這樣的「醫生」。以一年級生來說,他很期待從Iguodala那裡學到一些東西,但沒料到這只是一筆生意,各種事情都在發生。

“Coming in, when they said he was going to be on our roster, I was very excited having a vet like that in the locker room with us,” Ja Morant said.

“Me coming in that first year, I was looking forward to learning some stuff from him and he was saying he wasn’t going to play with us or whatever happened. Like you said it’s a business, all different stuff going around, somebody said he said we weren’t good enough so in my head I was like it is what it is.”

灰熊隊最終將這位前FMVP交易到邁阿密熱火隊。儘管處境尷尬,Andre Iguodala仍然稱讚Morant和灰熊。他甚至在新聞發布會上說Morant是年度最佳新秀。Morant為灰熊隊場均貢獻17.6分3.5個籃板和6.9助攻,投籃命中率49.1%,三分命中率36.7%,罰球命中率77.0%。灰熊在競爭激烈的西岸中排名第八,這證明了Ja Morant有多麼特別。


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