Gregg Popovich對David Fizdale被解僱作出回應

今天,任職紐約人主教練第二年的David Fizdale被解僱,作為聯盟老臣子的馬刺主教練Gregg Popovich為此事作出了回應。
引用我不知道是為了什麼而作出解僱David Fizdale的決定,但若要談主因,大概是身份出了問題。他是一位優秀的,有才華的年輕教練,有著很好的血統。要在一時三刻帶著一班年輕人,並在短時間內修正一堆錯誤,是十分艱難的。這對於他來說很不公平。古語有云:『若他在公共汽車被扔下,他會脫穎而出,因為他是一位出色的教練。』」

“I don’t know where the decision was made to fire Coach Fizdale, but if it came form the top, it’s a case of mistaken identity. He’s a fine, talented young coach with a great pedigree, and it’s ridiculous to think you’re gonna bring a young guy in and after being there a minute and a half, you expect him to fix everything that’s been wrong there for a long time. That’s pretty unfair,” Pop said.

“So, it’s the old analogy: he got thrown under the bus. He’ll come out of it because he’s a great coach.”

紐約人將暫時任命前G聯賽年度最佳教練Mike Miller為他們的臨時總教練。Miller曾在紐約發展聯盟會員團隊Westchester Knicks執教過一段時間,然後在今年夏天被提升為Fizdale助理教練。


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