Pascal Siakam透露Kawhi Leonard離開速龍前的最後對話內容

Pascal Siakam仍然記得球隊得到總冠軍但要面對Kawhi遲遲未續約苦樂參半的過程。儘管Kawhi Leonard當時仍然陶醉於贏得冠軍的喜悅中,但他很快就在團隊的聊天室給予最後的交代,那是一個不祥的跡象表明他已決定去洛杉磯快船艇隊:
引用根據The Undefeated的Marc J. Spears的報導,Leonard在群聊中發短信說:「是的,我要回家了。我很感謝你們,我們所做的很特別。」 Siakam回憶說:「我們都知道他遲早要回家。但是當我們贏得冠軍時,我們就好像的有理據把他留下。我覺得我們確實有這個機會,也許他會考慮我們更多。但是我們都知道Kawhi的想法。『家』對他來說真的很重要,所以我並不驚訝他要回家。」

“[Leonard] texted the group chat saying, ‘Yeah, I’m going home. I appreciate you guys and what we did was special.’ That’s how I found out,” Siakam recalled, according to Marc J. Spears of The Undefeated. “We all knew that he wanted to go home, for sure. But when we won the championship, we were like, ‘OK, there is a chance [he stays].’ I felt like there was a real chance after we won that maybe he would consider us more. But we all knew the way Kawhi is. Home was really important to him. I thought it could go either way. But I wasn’t surprised he went home.”

Leonard的空缺將是Pascal Siakam成功的機會,他現在可以邁出下一步,發展成為球隊的第一得分手,而現在他還沒有成為明星。 Siakam對挑戰感到興奮:「作為一個競爭者和一個追求卓越的人來說這是興奮的。現在有更多機會。門總是開著的。我肯定會接受挑戰,就像團隊中所有人都願意接受挑戰一樣。」

多數人並不看好速龍會再次成為冠軍,但Pascal Siakam的進步會為速龍帶來希望!


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