Steve Nash曾借LeBron James為例勸Kevin Durant不要跟批評自己的人吵架!

自從2016年離開雷霆加盟勇士之後,評擊Kevin Durant的人愈來愈多。大部分人對於他離開老東家加入擊敗自己的勇士隊感到反感。除此之外,那段時間他會不斷在社交平台上回應評擊自己的人,這個舉動讓憎恨自己的人不趺反增。
最近Kevin Durant的好友 — 作家Matt Sullivan出版了一本名為Can't Knock the Hustle《不能停止奮鬥》的新書,裡面收納了一些他採訪籃網主帥Steve Nash提到關於Kevin Durant的獨家內容。


“You know what I respect about LeBron?” Nash reportedly said.
“I respect the fact that when he got to Miami and he got sick of the narratives, sick of the haters, all the talk. You know what he did? LeBron just said f--- it and was great. Same with Michael, same with Kobe. Same with all the greats. They all had to say f--- it and then they were all on that next level. So you know what you gotta do? You just gotta say ‘f--- it’ like LeBron did.”



Nash told Sullivan he tried to get KD to stop beefing with kids on twitter but he failed. He said "you could just see the strain on his face that third year on the Warriors. He was staring at that phone all the time." So he can't get over this, he's out here having GOAT "top 5" debates, trying to make sure he's in that conversation on twitter. He says he's over it but he's not. And I don't think he's really changed since the Bay. The only difference is Brooklyn lets him be him and doesn't get in his face like Kerr did.

自從離開雷霆隊以來,Durant變得非常好勝。但他沒有辦法專注比賽時忽略身邊批評自己的人,以致經常出現社交媒體上的罵戰。Durant亦慢慢的被標籤為高球商,但低情商的球員。希望Kevin Durant繼續努力,帶領籃網更上一層樓,以實力說服打些批評他的人。



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