面對公開宣佈「出櫃」的小兒子 Dwyane Wade發表了一個非常偉大的演說

邁阿密熱火隊傳奇Dwyane Wade近日參加了Matt Barnes和Stephen Jackson的《All The Smoke》節目,期間被問到怎樣撫養和教育自己的同性戀兒子,Dwyane Wade偉大的演講絕對得到我們的尊敬。
引用在過去的一年中,小兒子Zion已經公開宣佈出櫃,並在去年Zion就穿著一雙高跟鞋參加了同性戀遊行活動。Dwyane Wade和他的妻子Gabrielle Union一直公開支持12歲的小兒子Zion Wade。當被Barnes問到小兒子Zion出櫃的問題時,Wade回答:「在我的小兒子三歲的時候,我照了一照鏡子。我和我的妻子開始就我們進行討論,因為我們注意到Zion沒有大兒子Zaire那般的男子氣概。我就在鏡子前面,對自己說『如果你的兒子告訴你他是同性戀者?你打算怎麼做?你該怎樣做?你該怎樣去面對?』不是他會怎樣做,因為他知道他自己是誰,而是關於你,你該怎樣做?」
"I had to look myself in the mirror when my son at the time was 3 years old and me and my wife started having conversations about us noticing that he wasn't on the boy vibe that Zaire [Wade's other son] was on," Wade said.

"And, I had to look myself in the mirror and say, 'What if your son come home and tell you he's gay? What are you going to do? How are you going to be? How are you going to act? It ain't about him. He knows who he is. It's about you. Who are you?'"


"I grew up with the same perspective as a lot of these people out here that's a little ignorant. I grew up with a similar perspective," Wade says. "And, you meet people along the way that help you take those glasses off and put on some different ones. Look through life through a different lens. That's what my wife has been able to do. So, it's been cool."

Wade一直保護自己的兒子和家人免受別人的傷害,他告訴Matt Barnes和Stephen Jackson他有責任為其他無法以自己方式說出來的人發聲。


"Everybody get used to it, man," Wade says. "This is the new normal. So if anybody different, we looked at as different. You know what I'm saying? The ones that don't understand it. The ones that don't get it. The ones that are stuck in a box. You're different. Not the people that are out here living their lives, man."

As for how his son is handling it all ... Wade said, "You want to talk about strength and courage? My 12-year-old has way more than I have."

"You can learn something from your kids."



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