JR. Smith的NBA生涯似乎已經走向尾聲。然而,最近他開始發展了另一項運動。據"the PGA Tour."報導,JR. Smith已經在北卡羅來納州 A&T 州立大學攻讀通識教育學位,同時在學校的高爾夫球隊打球。

據報導,JR. Smith將於8月18日開始上課,現在正等待確定他的大學資格。同時間他參加了一項高爾夫球錦標賽配對賽。他表示自己得到了Ray Allen的建議後決定重返校園。

JR. Smith今天接受記者訪問時表示高爾夫球是一種讓你感到興奮而又感到謙卑的運動,而且有種感覺就是一切都掌握在自己的手中,不必擔心要傳球給隊友或是接球,甚至防守。
祝福JR. Smith吧!希望他能夠在高爾夫球的領域找到自己的樂趣和價值!
據報導,JR. Smith將於8月18日開始上課,現在正等待確定他的大學資格。同時間他參加了一項高爾夫球錦標賽配對賽。他表示自己得到了Ray Allen的建議後決定重返校園。
引用Per NCAA rules, "an individual shall not be eligible for intercollegiate athletics in a sport if the individual ever competed on a professional team in that sport." But the laws do not ban a former pro athlete from competing in a different sport. Multiple collegiate athletes have played professional sports before returning to school to compete in Division I athletics.
JR. Smith今天接受記者訪問時表示高爾夫球是一種讓你感到興奮而又感到謙卑的運動,而且有種感覺就是一切都掌握在自己的手中,不必擔心要傳球給隊友或是接球,甚至防守。
引用“Golf is one of those games that has you feeling really high and or can bring you down to your knees and humble you,” Smith told a group of reporters on Wednesday. “And to have that feeling and knowing that all of the game’s pretty much on my own hands, and I don’t have to worry about teammates to pass the ball and receiving passes and playing defense … I can play my game and just have fun.”
祝福JR. Smith吧!希望他能夠在高爾夫球的領域找到自己的樂趣和價值!
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