本來沒人看好的金塊是如何走到西決的,Jamal Murray這樣回答!

金塊昨天再一次以歷史性落後1-3追上並在第7場擊敗快艇之後,隊中主將Jamal Murray希望全世界都能夠對他們的球隊給予尊重。
Jamal Murray認為金塊在NBA泡沫賽的成功歸根為「化學反應」。根Murray的說法金塊到目前為止已經在奧蘭多進行了十四場季後賽比賽。他認為泡沫賽區沒有觀眾,所以大家得看一下自己的球隊。哪一支是最好的團隊?誰跟誰最合拍?誰最努力地工作?誰能做到最好?誰人可以率先出發?誰人可以留到最後?這一切都是今年因為武漢肺炎場館不會有觀眾的情況下球員們會更關注的事情。因此Murray認為沒有觀眾的情況下,跟之前的比賽會大有不同,這展示了團隊的意義,他提到快艇有很多具天份的球員,但也要大家留意一下本來沒人關注的熱火隊,其實他們就是其中一隊最好的球隊,相信現在你問任何人,他們都會這樣回答。然後又補充說今年的塞爾特人也是季後賽中其中一支最佳球隊。
引用“That’s something in this league, I would say. There’s no crowd (in the bubble), so you look at the teams. Who are the best teams? Who plays the best together? Who works its stuff out the most together? Who can hit back the best? Who can hit the first punch? Who can stay together? Who crumbles?” Murray said, via Sam Amick of The Athletic (via talkbasket.net).

“So I think without the crowd, it makes a big difference. It starts to expose, to show you, to show everybody, what teams are about. And (the Clippers) have a lot of talent. But you look at Miami, and Miami is one of the best — if you ask anybody around the league, Miami is one of the best teams.” Murray added.

“You see that in the playoffs this year. Boston is one of the best teams. We’re one of the best teams. We go out there, and when we’re rolling, we show it,” Murray said.

現在金塊相隔11年再次打進西決,面對的是由LeBron James和Anthony Davis帶領的湖人,論團隊的話,金塊的確更勝一籌,且看金塊能不能勢如破竹,連西岸常規賽一哥都擊退打進總決賽。



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