後撤大師?James Harden又創奇招!

休斯頓火箭隊球星James Harden正在為他的運球和後撤跳投製造出另一個技巧:一個單腳後撤的三分球。
引用正如Harden告訴ESPN的Tim MacMahon一樣,持續創新和改進仍然是他的目標:「我總是試圖發揮創造力。我總是努力讓自己變得更好,無論是籃球,生活,商業。我總是試圖找到有影響力的方法。對於籃球,你必須要有創造力。這是我的第11個年頭,每一年我都想變得更好。我不想保持不變。你必須想辦法保持成長。」

"I'm always trying to be creative. I'm always trying to get better—at basketball, life, business-wise. I'm always trying to find ways to be impactful. With basketball, you have to be creative. This is my 11th year, and every single year I want to get better. I don't want to stay the same. You've got to find ways to keep growing."
引用Harden仍然在開發這招新技能,他告訴MacMahon他不知道自己有沒有信心在比賽中以這招應付對手:「我不確定,這是我工作的東西。但你知道Michael Jordan很擅長後仰,而有Dirk Nowitzki擅長單腳後抑和Kareem Abdul-Jabbar有天鉤,我想要我的「後撤」是永遠延續下去的技能。所以,當我環遊世界時,我喜歡看到小孩子們說『嘿,James,我會後撤!』我是創造者,我是創新的以自己的方式為籃球鋪路,做我想做的事情,這就是它的全部意義。我希望看到小孩在公園玩耍也會用這招,這就是我夢寐以求的。現在它已經變為現實,所以非常酷。」

Harden is still perfecting the move, however, and told MacMahon he isn't sure he's confident enough in the shot to bust it out in an actual NBA game:

"I'm not sure; it's something that I work on. But you know how Mike [Jordan] has his fadeaway and Dirk [Nowitzki] has his one-leg and [Kareem Abdul-Jabbar] had the sky hook, I want my stepback to be one of those moves that last forever. So when I travel around the world and I see little kids that [say], 'Hey James, I got a stepback!'—I love to see that.

"It's me being a creator and me being an innovator and paving the way in basketball in my own way, doing it how I want to do it, and that's what it's all about. As a little kid playing in these parks, that's what I imagined, that's what I dreamed of. Now it's coming to reality, so it's pretty cool."
James Harden的確也在影響後代,但他的後撤步同時也引起過大眾的批評,在使用之前,大家也得三思自己能否純熟運用,不然......
標籤: James Harden  


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