
天又籃 於 21/06/2015 發表 收藏文章
LeBron James的理發師又出鏡了,不過今次他只是陪襯的角色。在James最新的片段中,他在理發時順道錄了兩分多鐘的說話,給騎士的一眾球迷:






引用Just giving y'all a closeout to the season. Obviously it didn't end the way that I would like it to end and I wanted it to end, but you know, for a team that's first getting together, in our first year to be able to reach the finals — not saying I'm happy with the results, but I'm proud of our guys. Just the growth that they had from the first day we walked in the gym to the other day, us losing, I'm proud of the guys and what they was able to accomplish.

I'm not satisfied and I'm not happy with the way it closed out — that's just not me. It hurt to lose, and I'm still in a little funk right now, but I'm trying to work my way out of it. But, you know, being back home is everything that I dreamed of, everything that I thought about. Being back with these fans, being back with this community, just being back here and trying to bring joy to this city, which deserves it. Bringing a sense of pride to this city, which deserves it. Giving this city something to talk about, which they deserve.

Hopefully I was an inspiration, being back to you guys for this first year. Hopefuly I can continue that in the near future. And I just thank you guys — I thank the fans, I thank everybody for the support that y'all gave us all year, the support that you gave me by welcoming me back. And hopefully I made you guys proud in Year 1. Like I said, I'm not satisfied, I'm not happy with the way things turned out. I'm bummed about it for sure. But hopefully I can put our team in position once again to try to compete for a championship next year and year-in and year-out. That's my goal, and my inspiration hasn't changed. So I appreciate everything. I thank you guys, I love you guys and I'll see y'all soon.

相信騎士上下和一眾球迷們,也沒能想像到騎士今年能走到這麼遠,尤其是在Kevin Love和Kyrie Irving傷出之下。在James一夫當關下,他們面對勇士已是歇盡所能。誠然,也許James本人才是需要收到感謝影片的那一人。撇除季初的磨合期,騎士這一年取得了很大的成功,當明年球隊更健康時,相信已準備好再一次挑戰總冠軍。


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