鷹隊Kent Bazemore:我們還能擊敗騎士

天又籃 於 24/05/2015 發表 收藏文章

LeBron James 與他的騎士隊來到了亞特蘭大,並在東岸決賽的首兩戰中成功壓制鷹隊。第二場,James在Irving沒上場之下獨挑大樑,狂攻30分11籃板9助攻,令騎士贏得比上一場更加強勢。大部分的跡象顯示,回到克里夫蘭後,騎士不會再讓鷹隊有機會回到老家作戰,實行以4-0橫掃對手出局。

鷹隊24號後衛Kent Bazemore,不是隊中的主力核心,在Game2得到11分鐘多的上場時間,面對比他重20公斤的LBJ打得顯然有心無力。不過他在賽後對記者的說話中,依然對於未來的比賽充滿信心。

("We played them in the regular season this year and got the best of them. I still think we're the better team. We just haven't shown it yet.")

("The bright side is we haven't played well the first two games. We still think we're the better team. We'll try to get two up in Cleveland. We've got to play angry.")

("We got a little frustrated. We got a little rattled. There's a lot of basketball left. They came here and got two. No reason we can't do the same thing up there.")

在前方尚有更多硬仗,而隊中的人已經遍麟傷(Kyle Korver 扭傷腳踝、 Al Horford和DeMarre Carroll扭傷膝蓋) 之下,無疑Bazemore的態度和意志的值得欣賞的。


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