Chris Bosh認為LeBron James 會轉投火箭

投籃與接吻 於 08/06/2018 發表 收藏文章
前熱火球員Chris Bosh曾是LeBron James 的隊友,他們也是很好的朋友。雖然現在Chris Bosh已經沒有打球了,但他一直留意NBA的動向。

在最近Fox Sports的節目中,Chris Bosh不但分享了近幾年的心路歷程,他也談到了LeBron James的情況。

引用"I would guess that he goes to Houston," Bosh said of his former Heat championship teammate who can opt out of the final year on his Cleveland Cavaliers contract by the end of the month. "It's like the next Avengers movie. Golden State with like 100 superheroes and then Houston with 100 superheroes and then they fight."


引用"The star power of the league," Bosh said, "what's happening now is that the stars are figuring out their power. He'll be the biggest free agent ever in history. With the dynamic that Houston has -- you can argue that they could have taken Golden State down this year.Kind of like what Golden State did -- KD went there. They teamed up and it's like, 'OK. beat this.' And now, I think, it's on another organization to get that same narrative."
「LeBron James 是歷史上最強的自由球員。如果加盟火箭的話,火箭就有可以打敗勇士的本錢了。就像當年勇士得到Kevin Durant一樣。」



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  • EthanWayns 於 08/06/2018 評論 NO. 1


  • Kusanagi Kyo 於 08/06/2018 評論 NO. 2

