今天勇士客場不敵湖人,是近年難得一見的大爆冷,然而這場比賽的敗因除了「浪花兄弟」手感冰冷,二人三分18投1中以外,第四節失去對比賽的專注或許也是原因之一。有美國網友忍不住上傳一段影片,片段中K. Thompson正在防守J. Clarkson,然而防守到一半便向球證投訴後者二次運球違例,放任對方輕鬆灌籃,連跟上去都沒有。
BlackCucco 109 指標 4小時前
You don't stop playing until you hear a whistle.
KingsIzzDogz 149 指標 4小時前
I recall seeing another angle and Klay did touch the ball. As he touches it Clarkson releases the ball.
我在另外一個角度看到這球,Klay 真的碰到了球,所以Clarkson不算二次運球
BlackCucco 109 指標 4小時前
You don't stop playing until you hear a whistle.
KingsIzzDogz 149 指標 4小時前
I recall seeing another angle and Klay did touch the ball. As he touches it Clarkson releases the ball.
我在另外一個角度看到這球,Klay 真的碰到了球,所以Clarkson不算二次運球
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