Carmelo Anthony:去季65負的成績或許是一種「恩賜」!

NBA JUMP SHOT 於 25/10/2015 發表 收藏文章
紐約尼克的球星Carmelo Anthony日前表示,球隊上賽季飽受傷病問題困擾,常規賽僅打出17勝65負的成績,但對他來說,換個角度看這或許是一種「恩賜」。雖然上季接受了髕腱修復手術的Carmelo Anthony未有回應球隊來季能否打進季後賽,但他直言來季將證明自己並未步入職業生涯的黃昏,並將以100%的狀態迎接美國當地時間下週三作客密爾瓦基公鹿的揭幕戰。

引用“I’m healthy, so for me, I’m excited going into the regular season healthy,’’ Anthony said after the preseason finale loss in Boston on Thursday. “That was my number one thing — to be healthy going into the season. This was my last week of rehab. It feels good to go into the regular season healthy.’’

引用Asked if he has forgotten about the 2014-15 train wreck, Anthony said: “Completely. The losing, the knee. That’s all behind me. I try not to think about it or reflect on it. It was all a blessing going through that. Never thought or imagined I’d go through something like that. I can say it made me a better person and player and put a lot of things in perspective. I use it as motivation. I know last year, that wasn’t who we are as an organization and who we will be. A lot of people turned their backs on us. But we’ll be all right.’’

雖然日前對上波士頓塞爾蒂克的比賽中18投僅4中,但Carmelo Anthony在首三場的季前熱身賽中,平均有高達73%的投射命中率。而所有季前賽中,場均達47.1%的投射命中率,平均上陣24分鐘及貢獻14.4分。
紐約尼克隊在新球季將會馬上面對一系列的硬仗,他們的首10場賽事首先要背靠背對上密爾瓦基公鹿及阿特蘭大老鷹隊,然後兩次對上LeBron James的克利夫蘭騎士,又要與聖安東尼奧馬刺、華盛頓巫師及多倫多暴龍隊等交手。

對於新賽季的紐約尼克隊,Anthony認為球隊磨合得相當的不錯,但他不願就打進季後賽的機會發展太多意見。如尼克隊主教練Derek Fisher日前表示,他認為現在東區的球隊比起媒體大眾所想的要更強,雖然布魯克林籃網隊上賽季跌出東區前8,但邁阿密熱火及印第安納溜馬又再冒起,加上騎士、公牛、巫師、老鷹、暴龍、公鹿等,紐約尼克需要打出截然不同的表現,才可望重回季後賽,甚至在季後賽走得更遠。

標籤: Carmelo Anthony  


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