95/96公牛對15/16勇士?Steve Kerr:可以想像他們兩人會被吹罰技術犯規,甚至打架!

NBA JUMP SHOT 於 24/11/2015 發表 收藏文章
1995/96賽季的芝加哥公牛隊創下了常規賽72勝的NBA史上最佳戰績,而二十年後2015/16賽季的金州勇士隊以開季15連勝追平了NBA史上的最佳開季記錄,因此媒體和大眾開始將兩支不同年代的球隊作比較。而目前金州勇士隊的主教練Steve Kerr,正好曾在當年的公牛隊效力,而他早前接受ESPN訪問時,亦談到兩支球隊的對比。

對於記者Ethan Sherwood Strauss問及假如1995/96的公牛和2015/16的勇士這兩支球隊對上,哪一支球隊會勝出。Steve Kerr表示,“首先我覺得這不可能如此直接比較,因為比賽的規則以及時代已經轉變。假如勇士隊直接在強邊壓迫Michael Jordan,會被裁判吹罰非法防守;相反假如公牛隊的球員用手干擾Stephen Curry,他們也會被裁判吹罰。
引用"My initial thoughts are that it is literally impossible to even compare, because the rules are so different and the eras are so different," Kerr recently told ESPN's Ethan Sherwood Strauss. "We would overload the strong side on [Michael] Jordan, and they would call illegal defense; and they would put their hands all over [Stephen] Curry, and the refs would call a foul. That make sense?"

公牛隊的Michael Jordan和Scottie Pippen,兩人皆是1996年的年度最佳防守陣容的球員之一;至於Stephen Curry目前場均32.7分及5.7助攻,按比例推算更有機會於整個賽季投進超過400記三分球。Steve Kerr補充道,“我唯一可以肯定的是,當年的我絕對不可能防守得到Stephen Curry,所以可能公牛隊要以Scottie Pippen及Ron Harper聯合去防守Steph。”
引用"The only thing I know for sure is I had no chance to guard Steph. So I would say, we would probably have had to put a combination of Scottie [Pippen] and Harp [Ron Harper] on Steph."

Steve Kerr認為在這跨世代的對決中,由於公牛隊的內線球員不是進攻的主力,所以他相信兩隊會趨向以小球陣容交鋒,而Dennis Rodman與Draymond Green的對決將會是一大關鍵。Draymond Green有更出色的控球、組織、投射、及投三分球的能力;而Dennis Rodman爭搶籃板球能力亦是異於常人,而且他在球場中的激情就好像Draymond一般。我可以想像他們兩人會被吹罰幾次技術犯規,甚至可能會打架。
引用"I do think the game would have gone small, because the Bulls' bigs at the time were not offensive enough to stay on the floor... So, the Bulls' bigs would have had to exit. So, you would have had an epic [Dennis] Rodman versus Draymond Green matchup... You know, Draymond's a much more skilled basketball player in terms of ballhandling and playmaking and shooting, making 3s, that kind of thing. I think Dennis was a real inspiration to Draymond, though, in terms of the hustle and the rebounding. Nobody's ever rebounded like Dennis since Dennis. He had a way of impacting games emotionally that reminds me a lot of Draymond. I imagine there would have been a few technicals involved. Maybe a fight or two."

Steve Kerr繼續道,“我認為這兩支球隊最相似的地方是球隊在防守端的全面性。前公牛隊教練團的Johnny Bach就稱Pippen和Jordan為杜賓犬 ('Dobermans'),而他們兩人與Rodman及Harper,可以任意換防。這亦是我職業生涯首次見識到有球隊可以從1號位換防到4號位,而Toni Kukoc在場上的時候,我們甚至可以從1號位防到5號位,這樣的球隊彷彿就是現今勇士隊的先驅。所以假如兩隊交手,你可能會看到場上的10個球員都可以互相換防的情形。”
引用"I think the biggest similarity between the two teams is the versatility defensively," Kerr declared. "The Bulls teams, [former college and Warriors coach] Johnny Bach used to call Scottie and Michael 'Dobermans.' And Scottie, Michael, Dennis and Ron Harper, those guys would switch everything. That was the first team I was ever part of or that I ever saw that would just switch 1 through 4. And we could even switch 1 through 5 when we had [Toni] Kukoc out there. So in some ways, that team was like a precursor to the Warriors. So with the right matchups out there, you could have seen 10 players all switching on each other."

勇士隊今季的王牌小球陣容是Stephen Curry、Klay Thompson、Andre Iguodala、Harrison Barnes、及Draymond Green的組合,今個賽季至今這五人同時上場的時間雖然只有56分鐘,但這個王牌陣容已多次在第四節最關鍵的時刻為球隊反敗為勝並奠定勝局。今季勇士隊開季首15場賽事全勝,合共分差為+216分,場均每仗攻下114.5分,並限制對手的投射命中率於42.7%;至於96年的公牛隊開季首15場賽事13勝2負,合共分差為+125分,場均得分103.5分,而對手的投射命中率為45.5%。

雖然直接比較這兩支不同年代的球隊猶如張飛打岳飛、項羽鬥關羽,但由Steve Kerr這位前芝加哥公牛隊球員、兼現任金州勇士隊的主教練來想像一下這樣的對決,相信最能夠反映兩隊交鋒的可能性,亦為所有球迷帶來更多更真實的想像空間。
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