
NBA JUMP SHOT 於 27/08/2015 發表 收藏文章
日前,湖人球星「小飛俠」Kobe Bryant近日出席了舊隊友「巨無霸」Shaquille O'Neal的節目“The Big Podcast With Shaq”,這是這對昔日拿下曾經三連霸的但最終因不和而拆夥的「OK組合」,首次公開兩人同場回顧當時的種種事情。在接受ESPN電台記者訪問時,兩人坦承當年在合作期間的爭吵、分歧、不和都有讓自己感到後悔的地方。

引用"A lot of stuff was said out of the heat of the moment," O'Neal said, via Serena Winters of Lakers Nation. "I guarantee I don’t remember a lot of stuff that they said, because I changed my thought process of, you know what, we won three out of four, what the hell are you all talking about, this is not really even a story."

引用Here’s the thing though, when you say it at the time you actually mean it and then when you get older you have more perspective and you’re like holy s—t, I was an idiot when I was a kid. To me, the most important thing was really just keep your mouth shut. You don’t need to go to the press with stuff. You keep it internal and we have our arguments and our disagreements, but I think having our debates within the press was something I wish would’ve been avoided, but it did kind of create this whirlwind around us as a team with myself and Shaq and the press and the media that just put so much pressure on us as an organization

Shaquille O'Neal最終被交易到邁阿密熱火,至於Kobe Bryant則簽約七年延長合同留在湖人。熱火在O'Neal加盟後的第二個賽季拿下總冠軍,而Kobe之後則與Pau Gasol合作再拿下兩枚冠軍指環。然而,大家最有興趣討論的是,假如兩人當年能忍氣吞聲繼續合作,他們又可以創造多強大的王朝?
資料來源:Bleacher Report


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  • neebryan 於 28/08/2015 評論 NO. 1

