日前,火箭隊的新秀Montrezl Harrell在路易斯維爾附近的一場車禍中見義勇為,破窗幫助一位駕車男子逃生,當時肇事的車輛已經翻了並且冒煙,Harrell不但幫助該男子逃出車外,還馬上衝到一家餐廳拿滅火器,展現出他臨危不亂的精神。
Montrezl Harrell在上載Twitter的片段說道,“當時意外發生得很突然,我和另外幾個路人馬上跑過去,看看有什麼能幫忙的。我們看到該車輛開始冒煙,而且感覺可能會爆炸,所以我們立即把那個男人救出來。我只是做了自己該做的事,幫助危急的人。”

這名火箭新秀的救人行動獲得主教練高度讚揚,Kevin McHale表示“在新球季我們將可以更了解Harrell,但看出來他的個性很好。這是十分難得的事情,相信很多人在如此危急關頭都不會去出手幫助,或是不知道如何應付,但他馬上衝去拯救意外的傷者。”
球隊的明星中鋒Dwight Howard亦說道,“這實在太贊了,有時候冥冥中自有主宰。而Montrezl非常勇敢地從冒煙的車中救人,我必須向他致敬,我也為這個隊友感到驕傲。”
Montrezl Harrell在上載Twitter的片段說道,“當時意外發生得很突然,我和另外幾個路人馬上跑過去,看看有什麼能幫忙的。我們看到該車輛開始冒煙,而且感覺可能會爆炸,所以我們立即把那個男人救出來。我只是做了自己該做的事,幫助危急的人。”
引用“The accident happened so quickly,” Harrell said in a video posted on Twitter. “I ran over there with a couple civilians, just trying to do whatever we could to help. We had to figure out what to do because the truck started smoking and we thought it was going to blow up. We got him out. I just tried to do my part and help somebody in need.”
這名火箭新秀的救人行動獲得主教練高度讚揚,Kevin McHale表示“在新球季我們將可以更了解Harrell,但看出來他的個性很好。這是十分難得的事情,相信很多人在如此危急關頭都不會去出手幫助,或是不知道如何應付,但他馬上衝去拯救意外的傷者。”
引用“We’ll all get to know him better, but he sounds like he has a lot of character,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale. “That’s unbelievable. Most people aren’t put in those situations and when they are, they are not sure what to do. He rushed in and saved some people.”
球隊的明星中鋒Dwight Howard亦說道,“這實在太贊了,有時候冥冥中自有主宰。而Montrezl非常勇敢地從冒煙的車中救人,我必須向他致敬,我也為這個隊友感到驕傲。”
引用Said Rockets center Dwight Howard, “That’s amazing. God put us all for a certain reason on this Earth. Montrezl was brave and courageous to go pull somebody out of a burning car. I salute him. It’s great to have a teammate like that who we know if anything happens, call on Montrezl.”
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