兩屆MVP Steve Nash談Stephen Curry:他在NBA歷史中開創了屬於自己的類別!

NBA JUMP SHOT 於 19/11/2015 發表 收藏文章
去季MVP Stephen Curry開季至今的表現非常突出,各種數據皆比去季有過之而無不及,而球隊亦打出驕人的不敗戰績。不少媒體及球迷亦開始談論Stephen Curry及他帶領的金州勇士隊,可以在NBA歷史中達到怎樣的成就,Michael Jordan、Wilt Chamberlain、Bill Russell、Kareem Abdul-Jabbar、Magic Johnson、及Larry Bird等等的偉大球星在前,Stephen Curry以及其招牌的三分火力又會如何被歷史記載?

我們先回顧一下歷史,在1984/85賽季,當年的波士頓塞爾蒂克隊在常規賽打出了67勝15負的成績,而他們的主力球星Larry Bird投進了該賽季聯盟最多的三分球 ─ 82記三分球。而他職業生涯最多的一個賽季亦只是投進了98記三分球。而再看看現在,在開季至今的12場賽事中,Stephen Curry已經投進了62記三分球。

要了解Stephen Curry現在的表現和球技水平,也許沒有人比前NBA兩屆MVP得主、現時擔任勇士隊球員發展顧問的Steve Nash更有說服力。
問:Stephen Curry今季的表現比起他上賽季的MVP表現有多大的進步?他表現比去季更好,對嗎?

Steve Nash:的確,Curry的表現越來越好,球賽中的進攻亦更加出色,而我認為他對球賽的閱讀能力將會繼續的提升。Curry他的球技持續的進步令人震驚,他或許是史上球技最精湛的球員。
引用NASH: Yeah. Just gets better and better. Game gets sharper. And I still think he’s going to understand things more clearly as well. His skill level improves, which is kind of alarming, He’s maybe as skilled a player as we’ve ever had in this game.

Steve Nash:但他亦有需要改進的地方,包括他的球感、對球賽的掌握、球賽中的戰略上、球場上的位置、如何保留體力又能夠維持在場上的貢獻等等,他仍有很大的進步空間,而這的確是非常可怕。他日漸進步的球技加上他一直累積的經驗及對球賽的認識,這值得我們想像一下他將來可以達到的高度。
引用NASH: But he has improvements to make as far as his feel and comfort, the cat-and-mouse thing, strategy and picking and choosing a spot, conserving energy and getting the same amount done. He can improve a lot, which is scary. The skill level is already prodigious and it keeps getting better. And since the experience and understanding will continue to grow, it’s pretty remarkable to think about the heights he can get to.

問:今個賽季Stephen Curry的三分射程比以往的距離更遠,而他仍然非常有信心的出手,這似乎與過往有明顯的分別,你有什麼看法?

Steve Nash:我同意Stephen Curry他的投籃射程比過往的明顯更遠,而且他運球後馬上出手及遠程三分的能力實在是不可思議。至於自信心方面... 他有能力在表現低迷的一或兩節中保持冷靜,然後在之後的一節時間裡有爆發表現並且讓球隊取得勝利。我認為這需要一定的自信心及經驗,而且他在這些方面都一直在進步中。
引用-NASH: If I would say something tangibly, I’d say the range. The ability to find his shot off the dribble and shoot from deep is uncanny. Just his confidence… the ability to stay calm and have a bad quarter or two and then explode in a quarter and win a game. I think that takes a certain amount of confidence and experience and that side of his game is growing.

問:我們一直以來都避免將任何球員與Michael Jordan作比較,但你認為Steph他能夠有這樣的機會?當場我們不是指Steph可以有Jordan般的偉大,但Stephen Curry他在NBA歷史上可以達到怎樣的高度?

Steve Nash:的確如你所說,我不會將Stephen Curry他與Michael Jordan相提並論,亦沒有球員可以與Jordan相比,但我會說Steph他正在NBA歷史中開創了屬於自己的類別,而他現在以及將來數年都會處於職業生涯的巔峰。他不像任何其他球員,他的投射能力加上一定的組織能力使他足以開創歷史,而你在歷史中亦難以找到一個比他更有技巧的球員。
引用-NASH: Yeah. I like the way you put it. I wouldn’t compare him to Michael Jordan. I wouldn’t compare anybody to Michael. But I would say Steph is turning into a historical category of his own, in a way. He’s in the prime of his career and will be for a few years and the way he’s improving and the level he’s playing at is… I think he’s unlike anyone else. His ability to make shots and still handle the play-making duties is historic. I think you’d be hard pressed to find a player more skilled than him in the history of the game.

問:你曾經也在NBA賽季中達到47%的三分球命中率,而在職業生涯中亦投進了不少的三分球,但你是否可以幻想到像Stephen Curry般每場有10次 (實際是11.3次) 的三分球出手?並且投出他今季的一些三分球?

Steve Nash:Steph和我都有相似的籃球技巧,但我們有著不同的心態。當我手持籃球時,我是一個控球後衛。而Steph則是一個得分後衛,所以他更專注在得分方面,而他亦做得非常的出色。而我選擇更多的為隊友穿針引線,到了第四節的關鍵時刻,我或許才會嘗試更多的主動進攻和出手。
引用-NASH: Steph and I, we do have similar skill sets, but we have different mentalities. I was a point guard from the time I picked up a basketball. Steph was a shooting guard, so he’s converted to the point, and he’s done it well. Done it incredibly. But the way I’m wired, I will always try to set up my teammates—in the fourth quarter, I might try to be more aggressive with my shot…

Steve Nash:Stephen Curry他是一個純熟的得分手,所以他非常積極主動的進攻。他的某些三分球我永遠都不會選擇去投,因為我更集中在為隊友製造機會,並以傳球為主。但這當中沒有對與錯之分,只是大家的球風不同。我從來沒有挑戰自己的遠程三分球,我也會有像Curry般的運球後馬上出手,但他的投籃能力,以及速度、射程、和數量都已經是更高的水平,這就是因為他的心態在於專注得分。
引用-NASH: Steph is coming from a place where he’s such a skilled scorer, he needs to be aggressive shooting the ball, and he’s excellent. I would never take some of the shots he’s taking because I was so intent to get my teammates the ball and play the game that way. Pass first. It’s not that there’s a right or wrong, it’s just different. I never challenged myself to take the shots with that range. I shot all my shots off the dribble as Steph does—but he’s taking the shots I took as a player to a whole other level, with speed and range and variety and volume, because that mentality is there.

Stephen Curry今季的表現及水平大家都有目共睹,他的數據在此亦不再贅述,更重要的是他所展現的顯然非一般的控球後衛的打法,或許如Steve Nash所言,Stephen Curry正在NBA歷史上開創著屬於他自己的類別,我們亦慶幸能夠目睹這位可能是下一位傳奇球星的誕生!
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