【認真的嗎?】Doc Rivers談多次系列賽領先3:1被逆轉:沒人稱讚我贏了3場

NBA Fingerroll 於 25/03/2025 發表 收藏文章
公鹿主教練Doc Rivers近日接受了NBA資深記者Marc J. Spears的訪問,在被問到如何應對社媒和媒體對他執教生涯內多次3-1領先而輸掉系列賽的批評,Doc Rivers給出了自己的看法: 「事情就是這樣,這是我生涯遺產的一部分,我對此無能為力。

我曾帶領一只8號種子的球隊領先系列賽比數3-1(2003年季後賽首輪,Doc Rivers執教的8號種子魔術一度3:1領先1號種子活塞,最終3:4被淘汰)。 那就是執教,而且不是糟糕的執教。快艇的那一次是唯一一次我們把勝利送走的,但人們沒有意識到Chris Paul(2015年在快艇)拖著一條傷腿在奔跑,而我們也是那個系列賽中的失敗者。你想想看,火箭有主場,而不是我們。


引用It is what it is. It’s part of my legacy. There’s nothing I can do about it. I got a team that was an eight seed up 3-1. That is coaching. That is not bad coaching. The one with the Clippers is the only one that got away. But people don’t realize that Chris Paul was running on one leg [in 2015 with the Clippers] and we were also the underdog in that series. When you think about it, Houston had home court, not us.

No one tells a real story. And I’m fine with that. It’s unfair in some ways. I don’t get enough credit for getting the three wins. I get credit for losing. I always say, ‘What if we had lost to Houston in six?’ No one cares. One of the things that I’m proud of is we’ve never been swept. All the coaches have been swept in the playoffs. My teams achieve. A lot of them overachieve and I’m very proud of that.
Doc Rivers治下的公鹿今季目前獲得40勝30負,暫居東岸第5。
Source: Marc J. Spears


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