【留下未來】籃網後場主將Cam Thomas今夏願續約 有望獲2000萬歐元級別的年薪

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籃網後衛Cam Thomas近日宣告左腿筋拉傷而賽季報銷,他會否已經完成了在布魯克林的最後一場比賽引起了一些球迷的討論,原因是他今夏將會成為受限制自由球員,其他球隊可以為他開出合約但母隊籃網可以優先匹配報價。

據New York Post報導,Cam Thomas已經表示自己願意留隊:「很高興能在這裡感受到球迷、隊友、管理層以及每個人的愛,我覺得我在這裡建立了很多良好的關係,歸根結底這是一門生意。我是在這裡被選中的,所以我絕對想在今年夏天回來,就像我說的,但無論發生什麼,我會讓我的經紀人和管理層討論這個問題。情況看起來不錯,如果我能留下的話,我會很高興。」
引用“It was good experiencing all the love from fans here, teammates, front office, everybody. I feel like I built a lot of great relationships here,” Thomas said, before adding, “It’s a business at the end of the day. I’d love to be back and get that straightened out, just to keep playing in front of the fans and keep building relationships that I built here.

“I was drafted here so I definitely have a connection here. I definitely want to be back by the end of the day, like I said. We just have to look into that. But whatever happens, happens. I’m just going to let my agents and the front office discuss that. It should be good. I would be very happy to be back if I am back.”

作為Kevin Durant和Kyrie Irving離隊後的球隊得分王,Cam Thomas已經展示了他出色的砍分能力。今季雖然因為傷患和各種原因上陣時間斷斷續續,但他似乎也提升了一些持球組織的技能。

New York Post引述消息人士透露,這名23歲的後場新星有望獲2000-2200萬級別的年薪合約,而暫時也沒有消息指出有其他球隊會為他開出報價。
引用Sources added that Thomas could command a range between $20 million-$22 million per season.

本賽季Cam Thomas出戰了25場比賽,場均上陣31.2分鐘,貢獻24.0分、3.3個籃板、3.8次助攻、投籃命中率43.8%、三分命中率34.9%。

Source: New York Post


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