Stephen Curry 訓練員:「總決賽的Stephen Curry不是平常的他!」

籃天說地 於 21/09/2016 發表 收藏文章
NBA總決賽期間,Stephen Curry的健康有沒有完全康復仍然被視為一種神秘感。Curry膝傷回來後確實不是最佳狀態,但是他拒絕詳細討論這一點,因為他不希望把受傷當作一個藉口。美國日報的一個訪問中找來Curry的訓練員Brandon Payne了解當時的情況。

Brandon Payne表示:
"總決賽的Stephen Curry不是平常的他!”

引用"As bad as I wanted it to be him (in the Finals), it wasn't him," said Payne, who has worked with Curry since 2011 and spent much of the late summer leading two-a-day workouts with Curry six times a week while living in the Bay Area. "We don't like to make excuses, and we're not going to make excuses because all that matters is what happens in the 48 minutes when you're on the floor. (But) I wish it was the other version of him, the version that we saw for 82 games."

兩個星期前,Curry告訴ESPN的Darren Rovell「我不是100%,但誰在乎呢?」,這就是他所說的所有。任何人都看了得出常規賽的Curry與總決賽的完全不一樣,普通的Curry可以輕鬆通過防禦和在外線創造機會得分,總決賽的Curry什至連Kevin Love也無法擺脫。

Stephen Curry在第四戰攻入38分取得勝利,如果勇士守住了3比1的領先優勢,那麼沒有人會談論這個。

Facebook專頁: 籃天說地


標籤: NBA  Stephen Curry  勇士  


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