湖人在今天早上以114︰110 擊敗鵜鶘,以球迷的角度而言,不僅能夠看到Anthony Davis對上老東家時大爆發、前湖人小將Brandon Ingram 和Josh Hart努力奮戰,而且兩隊更激戰至最後一刻,筆者確實為看到一場精彩的比賽而高興。
(原文標題"Lakers keep streak alive with dramatic comeback in NOLA",作者為Rodrigo Azurmendi,連結放在本文最底)
The man did warn us about his defensive prowess. 那個男人明確地向我們警告了自己在防守端的能耐。
Returning to the city where he played his first seven seasons in the NBA, Anthony Davis had his best performance wearing the purple and gold – coming up clutch time and again and helping L.A. snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat against the Pelicans.
回歸那座他在踏進NBA聯盟後打拼了七個球季的城市,Anthony Davis 打出了自從本季披上紫金戰袍後的最佳表現——在關鍵時刻再次挺身而出並幫助洛杉磯湖人在對上鵜鶘的比賽中出爭意料地反敗為勝。
Thanks to AD, the winning streak remains in good health and now stands at 9 in a row.
"The emotions were high, I'm just happy we got the win,” he said. 「今天這裡的情緒高漲,而我只是為隊伍能夠拿下勝利感到高興。」AD在賽後訪問中說。
Before waxing poetic about what ended up being the highest scoring first game against a former team performance in NBA history, I invite you to just look at this:

Davis stole that inbound pass from his good friend Jrue Holiday just as the Pelicans were gearing up to take their last shot down 114-112 with 5.3 seconds left.
在比賽剩下最後5.3秒、比分114-112(文章筆誤,實際為112-110,湖人領先),由鵜鶘準備執行最後一擊的情況下,Davis成功抄截由好朋友Jure Holiday發出的邊線發球。
Defensive Player of the Year? I'd say so.
Offensive juggernaut? That too, after dropping 41 points on New Orleans on 15-for-30 from the field and an excellent 10-for-12 at the free throw line, including a pair to ice after getting fouled right after his defensive gem.
Davis set the tone early, scoring 27 in the first half as the Lakers struggled to keep up on both ends of the floor.
Later on, he was questionable to finish the game after getting hit in his right elbow at the end of the third quarter. When he did come back, this is what he did in his first possession, helping fuel a quick 9-0 run:

“He was spectacular down the stretch, especially putting the game away at the free throw line,” LeBron James said. “Key rebound. Key defensive play. Key steal.”
「AD 在比賽中打出了驚人表現,特別是在罰球線幫助球隊奠定勝利。」Lebron James說,「關鍵的籃板、關鍵的防守表現、關鍵的抄截。」
This wasn’t the best Lakers performance of the season, but like Stu Lantz said while calling the game, ‘good teams win close games’. Despite some slippage on defense (the Lakers are sorely missing Avery Bradley’s presence), Davis and Alex Caruso did just enough to allow L.A. to sweep another four-game road trip.
本場比賽並非湖人開季至今打出的最佳表現,不過正如前NBA球員Stu Lantz在比賽結束前所說的︰「好的隊伍會贏下拉鋸的比賽。」。撇除防守端的些許下滑不談(湖人仍然懷念Avery Bradley帶給隊伍的幫助),Davis和Alex Caruso已經打出足夠的表現讓湖人成功橫掃另一次客場四連戰之旅。
Caruso, who took (and made) his only shot with 4:27 left in regulation, was a +23 in 25 minutes. His defense had a big role in keeping Holiday to just four points in the second half after dropping 25 before halftime. He also forced a Pelicans turnover with the Lakers down one in the last 2 minutes – one he doesn’t get credit for in the box score.
Caruso——這名在最後4分27秒才投進第一球的球員,上陣25分鐘卻繳出+23的正負值,他在防守端扮演了重要的角色,讓上半場已經得到25分的Jrue Holiday在下半場只拿到4分。他同逼使鵜鶘時在最後兩分鐘、湖人仍然落後一分的情況下產生失誤。這是一名單看Box Score無法看出他在本場比賽如何作出貢獻的球員。
“He gives us everything,” James said. “He gives us a steady ball-handler. He gives us a defense presence. He gives us basketball IQ and toughness.”
Credit also James, who either scored or assisted on 28 of the Lakers’ 35 in the fourth, and surpassed the 33,000 point mark for his career. And don’t forget Kyle Kuzma, whose long-range shooting was instrumental in erasing a 16-point deficit.
同樣要稱讚James,球隊在第四節拿下的35分中有28分均與他的得分或助攻有關,更在本場比賽突破生涯33,000分的門檻。此外也不要忘記Kyle Kuzma,他透過遠距離投射無聲無色地在本場比賽拿下16分。
The Pelicans made it extremely hard. The Lakers, and Davis, were just a little better.
本場比賽鵜鶘打得非常努力,只是湖人和Anthony Davis表現更優秀一點而已。
"Lakers keep streak alive with dramatic comeback in NOLA" 原文連結︰https://reurl.cc/pDoEpZ
《湖迷觀察日誌》 Facebook專頁︰
湖人在今天早上以114︰110 擊敗鵜鶘,以球迷的角度而言,不僅能夠看到Anthony Davis對上老東家時大爆發、前湖人小將Brandon Ingram 和Josh Hart努力奮戰,而且兩隊更激戰至最後一刻,筆者確實為看到一場精彩的比賽而高興。
(原文標題"Lakers keep streak alive with dramatic comeback in NOLA",作者為Rodrigo Azurmendi,連結放在本文最底)
The man did warn us about his defensive prowess. 那個男人明確地向我們警告了自己在防守端的能耐。
Returning to the city where he played his first seven seasons in the NBA, Anthony Davis had his best performance wearing the purple and gold – coming up clutch time and again and helping L.A. snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat against the Pelicans.
回歸那座他在踏進NBA聯盟後打拼了七個球季的城市,Anthony Davis 打出了自從本季披上紫金戰袍後的最佳表現——在關鍵時刻再次挺身而出並幫助洛杉磯湖人在對上鵜鶘的比賽中出爭意料地反敗為勝。
Thanks to AD, the winning streak remains in good health and now stands at 9 in a row.
"The emotions were high, I'm just happy we got the win,” he said. 「今天這裡的情緒高漲,而我只是為隊伍能夠拿下勝利感到高興。」AD在賽後訪問中說。
Before waxing poetic about what ended up being the highest scoring first game against a former team performance in NBA history, I invite you to just look at this:
Davis stole that inbound pass from his good friend Jrue Holiday just as the Pelicans were gearing up to take their last shot down 114-112 with 5.3 seconds left.
在比賽剩下最後5.3秒、比分114-112(文章筆誤,實際為112-110,湖人領先),由鵜鶘準備執行最後一擊的情況下,Davis成功抄截由好朋友Jure Holiday發出的邊線發球。
Defensive Player of the Year? I'd say so.
Offensive juggernaut? That too, after dropping 41 points on New Orleans on 15-for-30 from the field and an excellent 10-for-12 at the free throw line, including a pair to ice after getting fouled right after his defensive gem.
Davis set the tone early, scoring 27 in the first half as the Lakers struggled to keep up on both ends of the floor.
Later on, he was questionable to finish the game after getting hit in his right elbow at the end of the third quarter. When he did come back, this is what he did in his first possession, helping fuel a quick 9-0 run:
“He was spectacular down the stretch, especially putting the game away at the free throw line,” LeBron James said. “Key rebound. Key defensive play. Key steal.”
「AD 在比賽中打出了驚人表現,特別是在罰球線幫助球隊奠定勝利。」Lebron James說,「關鍵的籃板、關鍵的防守表現、關鍵的抄截。」
This wasn’t the best Lakers performance of the season, but like Stu Lantz said while calling the game, ‘good teams win close games’. Despite some slippage on defense (the Lakers are sorely missing Avery Bradley’s presence), Davis and Alex Caruso did just enough to allow L.A. to sweep another four-game road trip.
本場比賽並非湖人開季至今打出的最佳表現,不過正如前NBA球員Stu Lantz在比賽結束前所說的︰「好的隊伍會贏下拉鋸的比賽。」。撇除防守端的些許下滑不談(湖人仍然懷念Avery Bradley帶給隊伍的幫助),Davis和Alex Caruso已經打出足夠的表現讓湖人成功橫掃另一次客場四連戰之旅。
Caruso, who took (and made) his only shot with 4:27 left in regulation, was a +23 in 25 minutes. His defense had a big role in keeping Holiday to just four points in the second half after dropping 25 before halftime. He also forced a Pelicans turnover with the Lakers down one in the last 2 minutes – one he doesn’t get credit for in the box score.
Caruso——這名在最後4分27秒才投進第一球的球員,上陣25分鐘卻繳出+23的正負值,他在防守端扮演了重要的角色,讓上半場已經得到25分的Jrue Holiday在下半場只拿到4分。他同逼使鵜鶘時在最後兩分鐘、湖人仍然落後一分的情況下產生失誤。這是一名單看Box Score無法看出他在本場比賽如何作出貢獻的球員。
“He gives us everything,” James said. “He gives us a steady ball-handler. He gives us a defense presence. He gives us basketball IQ and toughness.”
Credit also James, who either scored or assisted on 28 of the Lakers’ 35 in the fourth, and surpassed the 33,000 point mark for his career. And don’t forget Kyle Kuzma, whose long-range shooting was instrumental in erasing a 16-point deficit.
同樣要稱讚James,球隊在第四節拿下的35分中有28分均與他的得分或助攻有關,更在本場比賽突破生涯33,000分的門檻。此外也不要忘記Kyle Kuzma,他透過遠距離投射無聲無色地在本場比賽拿下16分。
The Pelicans made it extremely hard. The Lakers, and Davis, were just a little better.
本場比賽鵜鶘打得非常努力,只是湖人和Anthony Davis表現更優秀一點而已。
"Lakers keep streak alive with dramatic comeback in NOLA" 原文連結︰https://reurl.cc/pDoEpZ
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