PG準備離開雷霆!? NBA情報大神開示:交易截止日前肯定被送走

NBA Life 於 14/12/2017 發表 收藏文章
Adrian Wojnarowski 是對於NBA內部消息最準確的ESPN知名記者,日前他接受訪問時提到關於Paul George在雷霆隊的走向,而他也不假思索的說:
“The decision with Paul George is made easier if this team isn’t playing well. They have a $24 million luxury tax bill, which is a big number for a small-market team. … If the owner says ‘Hey, we don’t look like a team right now that’s competing for a championship…
“It is very unlikely, in two months, [George] is going to say to them, ‘I know unequivocally that I am staying.’ There is no reason for Paul to tell them that and then Sam Presti has to make a decision.”

大意是如果雷霆隊表現不好,那麼關於George的決定就會變得更加容易。他們今年的奢侈稅達到2400萬美元,對於小市場球隊來說,這是一個很大的數字。如果雷霆老闆說:‘嘿,我們現在看起來不像是一支爭奪總冠軍的球隊。’」沃神說道,「從現在起到交易截止日的這兩個月裡,PG不太可能對雷霆管理層說:‘我確信自己會留下來。’PG沒有理由告訴他們,那麼Sam Presti必須做出一個決定。

沃神這次會不會準確預言呢? 大家拭目以待!


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