「惡漢」Charles Barkley指出美國隊不濟的問題所在

FreePoint·三分球 於 18/08/2016 發表 收藏文章
今屆奧運會美國隊表現令大失所望,雖然以全勝姿態打入八強,但在對陣澳洲,塞爾維亞和法國的比賽上,都險陰溝裡翻船。不濟的表現令質疑聲音風聲四起,名宿兼評述員「惡漢」Charles Barkley就明確指出一切都源於球隊的架構問題。

Barkley指球隊除了DeAndre Jordan之外,每位球員都是出色的控球手,而且擅長擺脫對手。然而,過多相似的球員入選,令球隊整個架構失去平衡。Kyle Lowry,Kevin Durant和DeMar DeRozan等球員均是得分好手,但同場作賽卻未能如魚得水。總括而言,再美麗的鮮花,也需要綠葉的襯托。

引用“Well, I hope they win gold. I want always us to win the gold medal. It’s not a good team to put together. I don’t think they did a good job because if you watch all those guys — they’re all good players, don’t get me wrong — they all need the ball.
“If you take away DeAndre Jordan, every guy on that team is a ball-dominant guy. You see them playing a lot of one-on-one basketball. That’s the thing I’ve noticed more than anything. Like, you have to understand when you put a team together like that, you have to have some role players. … But you take a guy like Kyle Lowry, who is a hell of a player, he wants to score. Kyrie wants to score. Kevin wants to score. DeRozan wants to score. So, I think they have been really stagnant offensively.


Barkley的言論的確所言甚是,事實上,球隊打從第一日公佈入選名單,便即引來各方的質疑。過多打法相似的球員,更是違背了「K教練」自己和Jerry Colangelo一路以來堅守的原則和理念。雖然歷屆奧運會星味均比今屆更濃厚,但整體實力卻是更見平衡。以上屆倫敦奧運為例,球隊擁有Kobe Bryant,LeBron James,Carmelo Anthony等巨星之外,亦有Andre Iguodala,Tyson Chandler,以及Anthony Davis等坐鎮,令攻守分工更為清晰。老謀心算的「K教練」盤算著的或許不得而知,但Barkley的言論的確是所言非虛。

資料來源: http://www.foxsports.com/olympics/story/charles-barkley-knows-exactly-what-has-gone-wrong-for-team-usa-basketball-in-rio-081716


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