騎士計劃以Kevin Love交易Demarcus Cousins 「大帝」背後推波助瀾?

FreePoint·三分球 於 10/08/2016 發表 收藏文章

應屆盟主騎士垂青帝王中鋒Demarcus Cousins,早已是公開的秘密。日前這單轉會傳聞再度被炒熱,據知騎士管理層及靈魂人物LeBron James,在看過美國隊在里約奧運會上的比賽後,均認定Cousins是球隊的不二人選,以作制衡來季實力倍增的爭標勁敵勇士的挑戰。

在球隊擁有巨大控制權的James,盛傳曾在背後推波助瀾,建議球隊以「三巨頭」之一的Kevin Love作為交易籌碼,以換取Cousins的加盟。27歲的Kevin Love效力木狼時期要風得風,惜轉投騎士後受到球隊戰術的制肘,加上與「大帝」位置上重疊的問題,以及去季總決賽的低迷狀態,顯然都加快了其騎士生涯的腳步邁向終點。




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  • Krist 於 10/08/2016 評論 NO. 1

    外圍會變弱,不過內線進攻手段增加. 可能佢會比較果斷進攻吧

  • Big_Fan_of_Raptors 於 12/08/2016 評論 NO. 2

    cousin has temper issue, plus he has 1 year contract. if he doesn't pick up his contract or sign extension, kings lose everything. love and Willie is a great backcourt, so kings might accept it.

    love needs a new team to, cousin doesn't want to be in kings, plus the potential of losing him for nothing. so it's a fair trade. love can easily have the stat back to last year in Timberwolves. cousin wants to play in playoff, cavalier will definitely the best chance for him. personally, I like this trade.
