等了又等,Chris Bosh終於歸來!之前因血液凝結問題而傳出生命危險的Bosh,看來已經擺脫病魔的困擾,剛剛親身在社交網上明言即將回歸球壇:「我知道我離開了一段時間,但現在我回來了。」
引用I've been watching my husband for over a month working day in and day out and happy to see him giving a glimpse of that hard work to the world on his Snapchat (Follow MrChrisBosh) ������ He is a consistent inspiration for me! A lot of people "say the right things" but very few follow through in their "actions". Looking forward to seeing his "actions" on a court this season�� #TeamBosh #IGotItOnAString #ImAHooper #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords
2014年與熱火簽下價值1億1800萬巨額合同的Bosh,及後不幸確診患上血液凝結問題,需要暫時退出球壇休養生息。隨後兩年間更曾屢次傳出退役的傳聞。如今擊退病魔復出在即,著實是可喜可賀。其效力的球隊熱火相信亦可暫且放下心頭大石,雖然確實日子仍未定下,但在經歷了失去Dwyane Wade和今夏處處碰釘的組軍工程後,Bosh來季肯定仍然是熱火的重要基石。
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