美國隊最終名單出爐!Stephen Curry親自回應為何今年才首次出戰奧運!

廢青NBA 於 18/04/2024 發表 收藏文章


的而且確,今次名單「星味十足」,除了老大哥LeBron James外,Kevin Durant、Stephen Curry、Devin Booker、Anthony Davis等NBA頭牌球星都在陣中。當中最令人期待更是早年才入藉美國的Joel Embiid亦於陣中。


不過值得一提是,今屆奧運是Stephen Curry首次代表美國國家隊出戰奧運會。因此有媒體在訪問時亦問到Curry選擇在生涯這個時間點加入的原因。

引用“We thought about it ahead of time, which was nice,” Curry said. “If the timing didn’t work at a certain month in the fall, we actually would have made a different decision knowing the Olympics were on the radar. So, thankfully, the Lord looked out for us and if everything goes to plan, I’ll be available this summer.”

Stephen Curry就表示自己一直都十分期待參加奧運,而奧運會的時間在夏天進行令他今次終於能按計劃出席。

“I wanted to play in the last two that I was eligible for,” Curry said, referring to the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games and the Tokyo Games that were delayed to 2021 because of the pandemic. “Watching guys that I’ve been competing against the last 10 years all have that experience win gold medals, watching three of my teammates (Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green) win gold medals, I knew I wanted to do that.”


其實於2014年時,Stephen Curry便曾代表美國隊參加FIBA世界盃,但無奈到16年卻在季後賽時受傷,無法參加里約奧運。
標籤: Stephen Curry  NBA  巴黎奧運  


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