日前木狼後衛Anthony Edwards就在個人Instagram上發佈了歧視同性戀的影片,引來大量人士抨擊。
Anthony Edwards亦馬上在Twitter上就自己的發言公開道歉,並表示自己十分不成熟,並影為自己的發言是不可接受,希望大眾能夠原諒。
不過NBA名宿Kareem Abdul-Jabbar對於Anthony Edwards想以一段道歉了事並不收貨。他在個人網站中發文指責Anthony Edwards,並指Edwards單單道歉並不足夠。
他更指出Anthony Edwards無論道歉時有多真誠,亦都不足以彌補他發言的傷害。Jabbar認為Edwards應主動去到一些支持LGBTQ+的團體中做義工,展示他對這個群體的支持,否則一切道歉都是無意義。
Anthony Edwards亦馬上在Twitter上就自己的發言公開道歉,並表示自己十分不成熟,並影為自己的發言是不可接受,希望大眾能夠原諒。
不過NBA名宿Kareem Abdul-Jabbar對於Anthony Edwards想以一段道歉了事並不收貨。他在個人網站中發文指責Anthony Edwards,並指Edwards單單道歉並不足夠。
引用It would be easy to dismiss Edwards’ immaturity—he’s only 21—if not for the fact that we’ve seen so many cases of famous athletes and owners in the news spouting racism, misogyny, and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments. This damages sports in general and their teams specifically, and revives the old stereotype of the dumb, bullying jock,
引用But more important, it perpetuates prejudice against a group and that prejudice often leads to restricting rights and to violence. I don’t think an apology—however heartfelt—is enough. Edwards needs to repair the damage with some voluntary community service with LGBTQ+ organizations, particularly youth groups, to show his support. If he can’t do that much to undo the harm he’s caused, then his apology is meaningless.
他更指出Anthony Edwards無論道歉時有多真誠,亦都不足以彌補他發言的傷害。Jabbar認為Edwards應主動去到一些支持LGBTQ+的團體中做義工,展示他對這個群體的支持,否則一切道歉都是無意義。
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