籃網主帥Steve Nash承認:球隊失去Kyrie後仍在適應。與Kyrie私下仍有聯繫

廢青NBA 於 30/10/2021 發表 收藏文章

今日籃網主場應戰溜馬,在賽前記者會中,籃網主帥就被問及隊中球星Kyrie Irving的缺陣是否導致籃網近期戰績未如理想的成因。Kyrie Irving因不接受疫苗注射,被籃網宣布直至完成注射後,都不能出席任何賽事。而籃網老闆早前亦公開希望Irving能盡快注射疫苗。


對於記者的問題,Steve Nash亦大方承認球隊仍在失去Kyire Irving的情況下適應當中,加上隊中於休賽季變陣,球員們仍需適應。
引用“It’s a process for us,” said the Nets head coach. “We lose Kyrie, as guys are trying to work their way into shape, and ten new guys. It’s different. There’s I think a period of learning to play together. Learning our best path towards scoring the ball effectively and efficiently. It’s a process and it’s gonna take us some time. So it’s not comparable to the prior look in many ways.”


引用“I’ve messaged with him,” said Nash. “We didn’t talk basketball. Just connected with him. But I have no update on that front. We didn’t talk about basketball just checked in on him.”

籃網在Kyrie Irving確定不能出戰後,暫時以2勝3負(未計算對戰溜馬一場)排列東岸第11位。


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