Ben Simmons再提76人回憶,狠批Doc Rivers及隊友:他們就他X的想弄我

廢青NBA 於 07/11/2022 發表 收藏文章
Ben Simmons在上季成功從76人轉隊至籃網,現今他於籃網仍未打出好表現。暫時Simmons上陣6場,留下場均6.2分、6.5籃板、7.3助攻數據。

而Simmons近日出現傷患問題,暫時缺陣。而他日前接受澳洲媒體訪問時,就大談他上季在76人時的經歷以及對球隊、隊友、教練的看法。Ben Simmons事件的開端始於當年對陣鷹隊時,Simmons放棄了直接衝擊籃框機會,直接將球傳予隊友那一球。


Ben Simmons在訪問中回想起那球,他表示知道自己那球做了錯的選擇,但全隊不止他一個犯錯,輸掉球賽亦非完全是他的原因。

引用"If I could go back I would go up strong, go to the line," he said. "But there was so much emphasis on that moment. I made a bad play, but loads of guys made bad plays. I’m not the reason we didn’t win."


"Your teammates are supposed to have your back. Your coaches are supposed to have your back. And I didn’t have that at all."

Simmons更直接批評Doc Rivers對於自己的處理手法。Simmons指當時其實有向Rivers表示自己需要多點時間才能回到場上,但Rivers的回應令他感到失望。

引用"I went to Coach and said, 'I'm not ready yet to get back on the court, I need some time.' He says, 'Well, I'm going to put you out there regardless.' Okay, so now you're just trying to f--k with me."

Simmons指當時Doc Rivers聽到Simmons需要多點時間後,給予Simmons的回應竟是:「好的,但我無論如何也會把你放上場上。」Simmons當時心中馬上感到不滿,認為Rivers是「他X的想弄我」。

以如今Simmons對於上季事件的回應,看來他仍然對於76人存有怨恨,尤其對於主帥Doc Rivers當時的處理最為不滿,雙方應該暫時都未能和好了。
標籤: Doc Rivers  Ben Simmons  76人  籃網  NBA  


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