Kenny Smith表示黑曼巴已死│LeBron James不以為然:他仍然是Kobe Bryant

評籃說理 於 05/11/2015 發表 收藏文章

湖人開季4連敗,主將Kobe Bryant表現爭紮,命中率只有3成左右。他在日前接受訪問時表示,自己的表現非常糟糕,現時在聯盟中只能排200位。

名宿、現任TNT評述員的Kenny Smith直言有「黑曼巴」之稱的Kobe Bryant已死,並呼籲對方在明年4月的時候加入TNT團隊,並稱已為隊方留下了位置。Kenny Smith更稱,這是一個理想的安排,Kobe Bryant能夠和Shaquille O'Neal重聚,一起講述湖人的故事,告訴大家彼此憎恨到相愛的經歷。

引用"We got a seat for you Kobe on TNT ... and it'll be ready for you in April 'cause y'all wont make the playoffs."

"Could you imagine him sitting next to Shaq with us? Telling Lakers stories ... why they hated each other. Why they loved each other. Oh man."

另一方面,騎士球星LeBron James對外界批評Kobe Bryant的表現有點不以為然。他認為Kobe Bryant的表現與年紀一點關係也沒有。LeBron James更認為自己打了20年的比賽後,也會感到自己打得很不濟。LeBron James表示自己很了解對方,相信對方知道自己的表現並不差。LeBron James更認為對方仍然是那一個Kobe Bryant,而現在所遇到的只是挑戰而已。

引用“What I see is a challenge to himself. It has zero to do with his age. Zero. I think at one point in my career, in my 20s, I felt like I sucked. It’s all a personal challenge. I know him. He knows he don’t suck. C’mon man, it’s Kobe Bryant. But it’s a personal challenge to him. That’s all that is.”
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