對手穿上他的球鞋,會激發起LeBron James的鬥志

評籃說理 於 09/10/2015 發表 收藏文章
LeBron James最近接受了GQ的訪問,談及了當他看到其他NBA球員穿上了他的球鞋時的感受。

從前,LeBron James認為人們與Michael Jordan對陣時卻穿上Michael Jordan的球鞋,Michael Jordan在心理上會佔得優勢。

引用I used to see guys wear MJ's shoes when they played against MJ and I was like "MJ got a little mental edge over those guys."
而現時,LeBron James認為自己已與Michael Jordan達到相同級別,人們會穿上他的球鞋比賽。當那些穿上他的球鞋的球員並不是他的好兄弟,LeBron James表示這會激起了他的鬥志,會拼盡去打爆對方。

引用So for me, now being in that MJ class, I'm like, if I see a guy wearing my shoes, if he's not like a real good brother of mine - because you know I've got some guys that are Team LeBron and that's what we do - but if you're just a guy and you go to Foot Locker or somewhere and you just get a pair of LeBrons and you want to wear them on a Tuesday night against me? I'm gonna bust your a**.
根據之前報導,現役球員中以LeBron James球鞋的銷售量為最高。

此前,報導指Marcin Gortat向傳媒透露,Paul Pierce在訓練時不允許隊友穿上LeBron James的球鞋。有球迷笑指,現時LeBron James此番言論一出,雖然目的或許有所不同,但可能有不少球隊會效法Paul Pierce的做法,避免在球賽時惹怒LeBron James。


(影片來源:GQ Magazine @ Youtube)
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