Adam Morrison為最噁心隊友?Jared Dudley踢爆他不喜歡洗澡

評籃說理 於 30/09/2015 發表 收藏文章

據<華盛頓郵報>報導,今季加盟巫師的前鋒Jared Dudley透過電台回應了球迷一系列的問題。當中除了表示來季自己將會有更多時間擔任四號位外,也談及了職業生涯中最噁心的隊友。

Jared Dudley不假思索,很快便回答了球迷的提問。他直指這位球員便是在山貓時期的隊友Adam Morrison。Jared Dudley表示,Adam Morrison從不洗澡,而且一直吸煙、吐口水,甚至一整年也會穿著三件相同的T-Shirt。

引用“Remember Adam Morrison? He never took showers, he did the chewing tobacco that he spit all the time, and he wore the same three polos the whole year. This is a guy who made a lot of money, too, at that time. He was the face of diabetes, he was doing everything, he was on the cover of college games, he was [everywhere], and he was by far the worst and [most] disgusting.”

究竟Adam Morrison怎樣不喜歡洗澡?Jared Dudley記得,有場比賽Adam Morrison上陣了30分鐘的時間,可是他仍然不願意洗澡,那時候Gerald Wallace只好強迫他洗澡。Jared Dudley認為Adam Morrison理應感到羞愧。

引用"He was playing like 30 minutes a game. Gerald Wallace had to force him to take a shower one time. Had to force him. Imagine that. Imagine forcing a grown man to take a shower. He should be ashamed of himself.”

Adam Morrison是2006年的探花,可是他在NBA的表現未如人意,在2010年後,他離開了NBA,轉戰了歐洲聯賽。

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