Kobe Bryant在Twitter上利用影片回應質疑

評籃說理 於 18/08/2015 發表 收藏文章

上星期五,名將Charles Barkley接受電台訪問時表示,他認為Kobe Bryant應該在來年選擇退休,因為他討厭看到像Patrick Ewing這樣優秀的球員卻在球場上表現掙扎。他也認為,來季對於Kobe Bryant來說將是個告別之旅,而湖人最終也無法打進季後賽。

Charles Barkley更質疑別人認為Kobe Bryant會變得更健康的看法,他認為老兵只是逐漸死去,而不是越來越健康。夏天能夠保持健康是因為對手只是不會反擊的空氣。

引用“I hope he retires, because I don’t want to see — I probably played two years too long. I hate to see Patrick Ewing, great as he was, struggle — I don’t like seeing great players just out there, you know? Michael Jordan playing for the Wizards, that didn’t do anything for me. Kobe’s obviously not going to walk away from $30 million. This should be like a farewell tour, play 20, 25 minutes a night. The Lakers aren’t going to make the playoffs. Could he play some more? Yeah, of course. His best days are behind him. I hear these fools on TV, talking about, ‘Kobe’s going to get healthy.’ Old people don’t get healthy; they die. Old people don’t get healthy. Father Time is undefeated.”

Kobe Bryant在Twitter上載了一段影片。並說道自己的批評者的反應就有如自己在影片中的反應一樣。內文沒有提及回應誰,不過普遍媒體也指他是在回應Charles Barkley。

片段內容是公鹿吉祥物嘗試在更衣室通道上嚇唬Kobe Bryant,結果Kobe Bryant卻沒有任何反應。

一個典型的Kobe Bryant式回應。而且這也再次證明沒有什麼東西能嚇怕Kobe Bryant。




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  • ryanlau0330 於 18/08/2015 評論 NO. 1

    #2 I don't get it. Charles is not trying to be offensive or mean to Kobe. He's just telling what he thought and it's actually true, everyone can see how Kobe's struggled by injuries due to his age. Why are u dropping the F bomb when everything's going fine?
