Ray Allen:我從來沒有,而且也不會正式宣佈退役

評籃說理 於 04/08/2015 發表 收藏文章

上個賽季,面對多支球隊招手但仍然堅持花時間陪伴家人的Ray Allen,早前渡過了40歲的生日。這位離開NBA一年時間的球星,接受了<Hartford Courant>的訪問時,透露了自己的生活和計劃。

首先,Ray Allen直截了當表示,自己從來沒有說過有關退休的事情,而自己也沒有打算正式宣佈退役。他表示每當有機會出現的話,他都會仔細考慮,他不希望成為宣佈退役後卻選擇復出的人。

引用"I haven't said anything about that and I won't officially retire. Because if something came to the table, contractually and situational-ly, I want to be able to take a strong look at it. I don't want to be that guy that says he's retiring and then is coming back."

Ray Allen表示自己並沒有太排念著比賽,因他明白自己已有很長時間沒有陪伴家中的孩子。不過,他有點記掛著總決賽。對於騎士對勇士的總決賽,卻令他第一次感覺到自己應該在賽場上出現。

引用"I didn't miss it. I realized how much time I missed not being home with my kids. I probably missed it in the Finals. Watching Cleveland and Golden State play, it just seemed like an epic battle that required a lot of precision on the floor and that's when I felt, that was probably the only time that I felt like, 'Man, I should have been out there.'"

即使最終在餘下時間不會回到NBA,Ray Allen也感到滿足,因為他認為自己打了18年的比賽,而不是只有10至11年的時間,他認為這段日子已經相當長。

引用"It would be one thing if I played 10 or 11 years. But playing 18, I got a lot out of it. I like the feeling of knowing I don't have to beat myself into the ground."

現時,Ray Allen仍沒有放縱自己,他既陪伴著家人,也仍然保持訓練。Ray Allen認為自己的體型和狀態也很好。

引用"I just stay in shape, period,"

上賽季,傳聞多支NBA球會均有意向Ray Allen招手,包括騎士和勇士。所以他去季若決定復出,總決賽便很有可能不會在家中渡過。假若未來一年Ray Allen決定復出,他仍然會得到很多球隊的邀請。

(圖片及資料來源:courant.com )


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