J.J. Redick不滿球隊今夏操作,認為只有”F”的評級

評籃說理 於 08/07/2015 發表 收藏文章

快艇在今年夏天雖然先後從交易和自由市場上得到了Lance Stephenson和Paul Pierce的加盟,但他們卻失去了正選中鋒DeAndre Jordan。教練Doc Rivers接管了球員事務後,他的交易和處理球員合約能力再次受到質疑,因為快艇的陣容深度不及以往。

此前,快艇上下也沒有特別評論DeAndre Jordan離隊,除了Doc Rivers仍相信球隊有未好的前途外。可是,陣中的得分後衛J.J. Redick,在接受訪問時卻十分坦率,認為失去了DeAndre Jordan是個重大損失。

J.J. Redick為球隊今夏的操作打分,他認為只值”F”。他認為今年夏天只有一個優先選擇,就是要留下DeAndre Jordan,可是球隊卻未能做到。J.J. Redick認為DeAndre Jordan的貢獻不止於防守,在進攻上也對球隊作出了重要貢獻。例如DeAndre Jordan會在低位等待接應傳球,為外線射手爭取更多起手空間。而且DeAndre Jordan也很稱職的為隊友製造單擋掩護。

“F. Is there an F-minus?

“Listen, we had one priority this summer, and that was to re-sign DJ, and we missed out on that. Barring some miracle, the makeup of our team is completely different now.

“He was such an integral part of what we did, not just defensively, but offensively with the screening, his rolling, his offensive rebounds. His presence down low essentially made teams either commit to the three-point line when Blake [Griffin] or Chris [Paul] penetrated, or commit to him, and that either opened up lobs to him or threes for guys like me and Jamal [Crawford] and Matt [Barnes].

“So he was a huge part of what we did and missing out and having him leave for Dallas gives us a failing grade.”

快艇現在仍然努力尋找DeAndre Jordan的替補,可是難度不少。預計快艇仍然是一支充滿娛樂性的球隊,但失去了內線重心的他們,能否在西岸列強中脫穎而出,是一個巨大的疑問。



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