
評籃說理 於 13/06/2015 發表 收藏文章

Robert Horry擁有7隻冠軍指環,其中3隻是在洛杉磯湖人得到的。可是效力了湖人7年,在離開時卻不愉快,最近Robert Horry接受訪問時表示,當年離開湖人時對球隊充滿怨恨。

Horry表示,他認為球隊在處理自己的事宜上不妥。他記得在之前一個球季,替湖人贏得了總冠軍,受到了球隊上下的讚美。而及後一個球季,球隊為了得到Karl Malone,一直沒有告訴Horry的想法,也沒有執行03-04球季的530萬美元的球隊選項。



引用Honestly, I left the Lakers with so much hatred for that team. I felt that the way they handled my situation was so wrong. I remember going into the exit meetings after we had won the title and it was my year to opt out. You walk into the meeting and everyone is hugging you, kissing you, praising you.

I said, “I know I make too much money and I know you’ve got a hard-on for Karl Malone.” They had been wanting him for five years, ever since Phil got there. I’m a realist. Tell me like it is and I will respect you more, just don’t go behind my back. I told them I’d stay for $2 million, but they weren’t interested. All I asked them was to allow me to find a team before the money dried up and not to wait until the last day to release me. They told me, “We won’t do you like that.” […] Well, they didn’t do me like that. They waited until the next to last day to release me.

This is what athletes mean when they say, “It’s a business.” Hell yes, we make a ton of money to play a silly-ass kid’s game. But even if you’re the hero, even if you hit one of the biggest shots in franchise history and win multiple titles, your ass can be out the door the next day. […] I actually have five NBA titles thanks to the Lakers. Three from playing with the team, and two from them showing me the door.



(影片來源:805Bruin @ Youtube)


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  • AlanWan 於 13/06/2015 評論 NO. 1

