
評籃說理 於 09/06/2015 發表 收藏文章

木狼總裁兼主帥Flip Saunders接受傳媒訪問,其中一個最令球迷關心的事情,就是「狼王」Kevin Garnett的去留。

Kevin Garnett季中由籃網被交易至木狼,不少球迷認為這是木狼純粹希望Garnett能回到「娘家」退役。而儘管傳言指Garnett還會多打一個球季,但他始終遲遲未為自己的未來表態。對於這兩個傳聞,Saunders作出了回應。



引用"I’ll say this: when we traded for him, I traded for him with the idea that it wasn’t for him to come in and finish his career this past year and wave to everybody and walk off into the sunset. The idea was that he was going to come in, play some, he would mentor; unfortunately for him and for us, at the time he had a knee injury and the way our record was, it wasn’t best for him to play and put extra miles on those tires. So I didn’t play him. All indications are that he is doing things now to get in shape to come back. I’ve had conversations with him over the last 2-3 weeks about the guys we are drafting. I’m sure he is going to peak his head in to see these guys when we bring him in to work out or have some type of communication with him. We’re assuming right now that he does want to continue to play and that he does want to continue to play in Minnesota."

Kevin Garnett回到木狼後只上陣了5場,平均每場上陣19.6分鐘,取得7.6分、5.2個籃板、1.6次助攻。



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