Doc Rivers抱怨裁判多次作出不利球隊的判決

評籃說理 於 29/04/2015 發表 收藏文章

在對馬刺的季後賽首圈第五戰賽事,快艇力戰而敗,球隊上下也不好受。主教練Doc Rivers在賽後的記者會上,指出多個判決對球隊十分不利。

Doc Rivers雖然開口說不會埋怨太多,但他舉出了很多例子,例如Blake Griffin被吹罰走步、Matt Barnes被判罰守龍門違例、J.J. Redick沒有接觸任何人卻在比賽末段被吹罰第6個的個人犯規。他認為球隊並不是因為這樣才輸掉比賽,但這些都對球隊來說非常重要。
引用"I don't complain much. I thought we got some really tough calls tonight, some brutal calls. The travel on Blake [Griffin], the goaltend on Matt [Barnes], which wasn't a goaltend. You think about the playoffs, and they're single-possession games. Those possessions, those were crucial. J.J. [Redick] 's foul that got him out, J.J. didn't touch anyone. It's not why we lost, but those were big plays for us."

而Chris Paul的技術犯規,對Doc Rivers來說也是無法理解。Chris Paul賽後解釋,或許裁判是認為他在延誤比賽。

引用“I thought if anything, (the technical foul) was a delay of game. In the other 82 games, it would have been a delay of fame but they didn’t call it.”

傳媒認為,或許Chris Paul可能是口中說了什麼,否則把球傳給最近的裁判,理應是最正常不過的事情。

此外,Doc Rivers對於DeAndre Jordan最後那球妨礙中籃的吹罰,認為裁判的決定是正確。

而一天後,Doc Rivers被聯盟罰款25000美元,原因是他批評裁判。

Chris Paul的技術犯規:

Matt Barnes被判罰守龍門違例:

(影片來源:NBAshowtimeHD2 @ Youtube)


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